Birthday of the Gods and Goddesses are important as the stars resided by the particular deity is close to the Earth plane on that day and it provides you with an opportunity to establish a heart connection with the deity. Lord Hanuman is the eleventh Rudra or the divine incarnation of Lord Shiva who symbolizes strength and loyalty. Lord Hanumans divine power also provides you with courage and inner peace. The Monkey Faced God helps protect you from both foreseen as well as the unforeseen dangers. Curses and 'evil eyes' are no match for him. His blessings will protect you in all of your endeavors. In India he is considered to be a 'Guardian Deity'.
He is the epitome of devotion and dedication. The devotees of Lord Rama start their prayers by first offering their salutations to Lord Hanuman. This was a unique status he acquired purely based on his unparalleled devotion and dedication to Lord Ram.
He was born on Moola Nakshatra, on the Ammavasai (New Moon) day in Margazhi month (December 15 - January 15). This day represents one of the most powerful days to attain Lord Hanuman's blessings and bring positive changes into your life. He has the power to change your destiny and remove your karma. Praying and offering ritual to him directly, indirectly influences Saturn to stop influencing you!
One who is devoted and constantly prays to Hanuman gets his many blessings covering the material and spiritual, of strength, intelligence, skillful speech, good name and fame, courage, protection, good health, longevity, and energy.
Hanuman's Guru
As he grew up, Hanuman sought to educate himself and for this purpose he chose Surya the sun god as his guru saying: "You see everything there is to see in the universe and you know everything there is to know. Please accept me as your pupil." Surya hesitated. "I don't have the time," he said. "During the day I ride across the sky, and at night I am too tired to do anything."
"Then teach me as you ride across the sky during the day. I will fly in front of your chariot, facing you from dawn to dusk." Impressed by Hanuman's zeal and determination, Surya accepted him as his pupil. Thus Hanuman flew before the chariot of the sun god, withstanding the awesome glare, until he became well versed in the four books of knowledge, the six systems of philosophies, the sixty-four arts or kalaigal and the one hundred and eight occult mysteries of the Tantras.
Hanuman's Yogic Mastery
If yoga is the ability to control one's mind then Hanuman is the quintessential yogi having a perfect mastery over his senses, achieved through a disciplined lifestyle tempered by the twin streams of celibacy and selfless devotion (bhakti). In fact, Hanuman is the ideal Brahmachari (one who follows the path of Brahma), if ever there was one. He is also a perfect karma yogi since he performs his actions with detachment, acting as an instrument of destiny rather than being impelled by any selfish motive.
Hanuman is the 1st Teacher for Pranayama and Surya Namaskaram Practices
Pranayama is the ability to control one's breath so that the inhalation and exhalation of air is rhythmic. Vayu, the god of air and wind, first taught pranayama to his son Hanuman, who in turn taught it to mankind.
The Surya Namaskaram (salutation to the sun) too, was devised by Hanuman as a greeting for his teacher Surya.
Hanuman's Ashtama Siddhi Mastery
Tantra represents the occult science of Hinduism. With the aid of mantras and yantras TantricYogis (practitioners of Tantra) channelise the powers of the cosmos for the advantage of humanity. Tantric Yogis believe that Hanuman is the most accomplished of their lot having achieved the much-sought after Ashtama Siddhi (eight occult powers):
1). Anima - The ability to reduce his size.
2). Mahima - Ability to increase his size.
3). Laghima - The ability to become weightless.
4). Garima - Ability to increase weight.
5). Prapti - The ability to travel anywhere and acquire anything.
6). Parakamya - Irresistible will power.
7). Vastiva - Mastery over all creatures.
8). Isitva - Ability to become god like with the power to create and destroy.
The Ramayana abounds with tales illustrating Hanuman's mastery over each of these siddhas (occult powers). Not surprisingly, he is reverently deified as a Mahsiddha.

The legend behind Hanuman’s immortality
According to the epic Ramayana, Lord Hanuman was sent to Sri Lanka to know the state of Mother Sita to assure her that Lord Rama will soon come over to save her. Hanuman reached Sri Lanka and saw a very worried Mother Sita sitting in a garden. He appeared before Mother Sita and tried to convince her bringing all the details of her life with Rama. But, Sita took him as Ravana in disguise and did not believe her words until he gave her the ring of Sri Rama. She became overwhelmed with joy and memories of Lord Rama on seeing the ring. Mother Sita felt sorry for suspecting Hanuman. She at once called him Maruti and blessed Hanuman that he will be immortal as long as the world exists. It is believed that Hanuman the power of humility is still around us.
One who is devoted and constantly prays to Hanuman gets his many blessings covering the material and spiritual, of strength, intelligence, skillful speech, good name and fame, courage, protection, good health, longevity, and energy.
Lord Hanuman Controls Saturn
Hanuman’s powers are so great that even Saturn fears to influence him and his devotees. In fact those who surrender at Lord Hanuman's feet will never be troubled by any of the 9 planets. He is considered the greatest of the greatest heroes as well as the servant of servants. He is totally selfless and without his own agenda. His power is so great that he controls Saturn with his tail!
Recite any of the manthras below for 108 times or more to connect with Hanuman and receive His special blessings.
Hmmm/Om Hanumantaye Namaha
Hmmm/Om Anjanayaye Namaha
Hmmm/Om Shree Maruthi Hanumantaye Nammaha
Legends have it that during the warfare of Ramayana, the younger brother of Lord Rama, Lakshman, was injured seriously and was suffering for life. To save his life, Lord Rama ordered Lord Hanuman to bring the medicine from Sanjeevi Hills (a hill well known for its medicinal quality) which could heal the wound. Lord Hanuman started his journey towards Sanjeevi at once. On his way to the hills, Lord Saturn appeared in front of Hanuman claiming that Lakshmana would have to experience the effect of Saturn transit at this particular time. He also stopped Hanuman from continuing his journey to the hills. Hanuman on hearing the reason put forth by Saturn tried explaining him the importance of Lakshmana's presence in the combat.
Neither Saturn was ready to lend his ears to Lord Hanuman's explanations; nor Hanuman was not able to control his rage in turn. This is when Lord Hanuman took full control of Saturn's power by stepping onto Saturn under his mighty feet. This incident stands proof enough to show that lord Hanuman was so powerful that he could control even the most fierce Saturn!
There are only 2 Gods with the power to control the 9 planets, and especially the influence of Saturn one is Kala Bhairava and the other is Lord Hanuman.
Hanuman's Bhakti Yoga
Once Sita gave Hanuman a necklace of pearls. After a while, the residents of the city observed him breaking the necklace and inspecting each pearl minutely. Intrigued they asked him the reason. "I am looking for Rama and Sita," replied Hanuman. Laughing at his apparent naivety the spectators pointed out to him that the royal couple was at the moment seated on the imperial throne. "But Rama and Sita are everywhere, including my heart" wondered aloud the true bhakta. Not understanding the depth of his devotion, they further teased him: "So Rama and Sita live in your heart, can you show them to us?" Unhesitatingly, Hanuman stood up and with his sharp talons tore open his chest. There, within his throbbing heart, the astonished audience were taken aback to find enshrined an image of Rama and Sita. Never again did anyone make fun of Hanuman's devotion.
Hanuman has two forms, namely, Hanuman the servitor and Hanuman the courageous one. The servitor form is the one in which Hanuman stands in front of Rama with His hands folded in obeisance, His tail resting on the ground. The stance of Hanuman as the courageous one is that of an energetic warrior ready for battle. His tail is upright and His right hand is turned towards His head. Sometimes even a demon or a malefic such as Saturn affliction is depicted as being crushed under His feet . To overcome problems of possession, black magic, etc. Hanuman is worshipped in the courageous form.
Hmmm / Om Sri Panchamuga Maruthiye Pothri ........
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