Friday, October 19, 2018

Significance of Navarathiri - October 1Øth to October 19th, 2Ø18

Navarathiri - The Nine Nights of Goddesses Celebration

During Navathiri the divine nine nights, the supreme female cosmic power or Goddess Shakti is worshiped in her variously manifested forms as Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi. Navrathiri is an occasion to perform and observe the spiritual practices for awakening the Shakti / Energy within you. This year Navarathiri begins from September 1st to September 30th, 2017.
The Sanskrit term 'Shakti' means 'power'. There is a supreme power behind this universe that is expressed in many varied ways. Heat, light, lightning - all these are expressions of just that power. Shakti is the creator of the universe. The universe is her form. She is the foundation of the world and forms of the body. Shakti is the form of all things that live and move in the world. Goddess energy or Shakti is the ever present dynamic force which activates this world. It is immanent in every being and the Universe. Goddesses are revered and celebrated so that they bless us with both material and spiritual abundance.

Science of Navarathiri : During Navarathiri billions of tons of pranic energy / shakti will be projected into our Earth plane to get infuse into tectonic plates, then later it will bubble out through certain crystaline overlay grid points called vortexes and it is an incredible energy. In ancient time the brilliant Siddha masters has guided the Kings at South India to erect the Goddesses temples like Madurai Meenakshi Amman, Kanchi Kamatchi, etc. on such vortexes so that we can energize ourself by visiting and conducting certain rituals for general well being. If you know how to connect the Goddesses in those temples during Navarathiri or just by being conscious with these phenomenon then you can connect with - Goddess Kali who compresses time, so that manifestations can be instantaneous in your life; Goddess Lakshmi who provides wealth through health; and Goddess Saraswati who grants wisdom for art of living. Chant "Na Ma Shi Va Ya" for 108 times before Sun rise by facing East direction and "Aim Shreem Kleem Hreem" for 108 times during Sun set by facing north direction to attune yourself and access the Navarathiri energies. When we repeatedly utter a Mantra we are tuning to a particular frequency and this frequency establishes a contact with the cosmic energy and drags it into our body and surroundings. Aim(Saraswathi) Shreem(Lakshmi) Kleem(Parvathi) Hreem(Durga) ~ Vijayakumar Alagappan

Navarathiri Mythology : The great legend of Navarathiri dates back to the story of Mahishasura, the mighty demon, who worshipped Lord Shiva and obtained invincible powers. Soon, he started killing the innocent lives on earth and set out to win the seven lokams. He acquired the swargalokam. Nobody could save the living creatures from his tyranny.
Even the three mighty gods of the Hindu Trinity -Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva were unable to defeat him. Therefore, all the Gods, including the Hindu Trinity, united their supreme powers and created a divine being called Durga, the Warrior Goddess.

With all the accumulated power and the weapons given by the Gods, Goddess Durga set her trail to defeat Mahishasura. To accomplish the task, she entered a war with him, which extended for nine long days! After fighting hard with him for nine days, Goddess Durga finally killed Mahishasura on the tenth day. Consequently, she lifted the tyranny of the demon off the innocent lives on earth and restored the swargalokam to the devas (Gods). Therefore, Navarathiri is celebrated to commemorate her victory over the demon, which symbolizes the victory of the good over the evil. The Nine Nights of Navarathiri symbolize the nine nights of the war between Goddess Durga and Mahishasura.
Celebrating Navarathiri : The beginning of spring and the beginning of autumn are two very important junctions of climatic and solar influence. These two periods are taken as sacred opportunities for the worship of the Divine Mother. The dates of the festival are determined according to the lunar calendar.
On all these 9 days, the various forms of Mother Mahisasura-Mardini (Durga) are worshipped with great fervor and devotion.

First three days
The goddess is invoked as a spiritual force called Durga also known as Kali in order to destroy all our impurities (emotions and thoughts).
Second three days
The Mother is adored as a giver of spiritual wealth, Lakshmi, who is considered to have the power of bestowing on her devotees inexhaustible wealth, as she is the goddess of wealth (wealth through health).
Final three days 
The final set of three days is spent in worshipping the goddess of wisdom, Saraswathi.

In order to have all round success in life, believers seek the blessings of all three aspects of the divine femininity, hence the nine nights of worship (creativity for the 64 art of living).

In South India, Saraswathi pooja is performed on the 7th day. Eight day is traditionally Durgashtami which is big in Bengal. The 9th day is Ayudha Pooja when everyone gives their tools of the trade — pens, machinery, books, automobiles, school work, etc. a rest and ritually worships them. They start a fresh from the next day, the 10th day which is considered as ‘Vijaya Dashami’. On this tenth day of Navarathiri in October – the holiday of Dussehra or Dasara, an effigy of Ravana is burnt to celebrate the victory of good (Rama) over evil.

During Navarathiri, some devotees of Durga observe a fast and prayers are offered for the protection of health and prosperity. A period of introspection and purification, Navarathiri is traditionally an auspicious and religious time for starting new ventures.

Not many people have the grace to perform true Shakti worship. Shakti has manifested in various forms like Durga, Kali, Lakshmi, Saraswati and so on. Shakti represents 3 potencies and they are Itcha Shakti, Kriya Shakti and Jnana Shakti.

Navarathiri is celebrated in a large number of Indian communities. The mother goddess is said to appear in 9 forms, and each one is worshipped for a day. These nine forms signify various traits that the goddess influences us with. The Devi Mahatmya and other texts invoking the Goddess who vanquished demons are cited.

Significance of Navarathiri : The Goddess, who is the invisible divine feminine, lives both in the human male and the female. Within the human body, the Goddess’ energy is called the power (Shakti); she is the power of economy, beauty, luxury, joy, physical strength, fertility, and what not! Everything that is beautiful, everything luxurious, and everything that makes you happy and blissful are provided by the Goddess. But, unfortunately, we have not learnt how we can access this archetypal feminine energy called the Mother Divine, which is within us. You can do so by observing prayers and rituals during Navarathiri nights.

Siddha's Secret techniques : The yogis and tantrics developed secretive methodologies to access the divine feminine both within the body-mind of human men and women. They came up with the sacred diagrams called Yantras and the magical sounds known as Mantras, as tools to bring the Goddesses to the earth plane.


Maha Meru : The Maha Meru is the three dimensional form of the Sri Chakra, the cosmic symbol of the Divine Feminine energy. For anyone who wants to win Mother Divine, even a saint or siddha, has to go through the Maha Meru. You need to be able to access the Maha Meru's energy.  This figure represents all of the secrets and mysteries of the universe. The Meru is the concentrated form of a million Goddesses' energy in one sacred form, which transmits energies for prosperity and good fortune.  Maha meru not only blesses you with wealth but also energizes you to get rid of all the misfortunes and obstacles in your life. The Meru's secrets are mostly hidden even to the ardent of students. You may learn the secrets from your Guru. 

( The renowned American physicist Dr. Patrick Flanagan calls the Sri Chakra the 'king of power diagrams' and describes its energetic effect as seventy times greater than that of a pyramid construction. This means that a three centimetre Sri Chakra possesses a greater energetic effect than a two meterpyramid. The Sri Chakra's extraordinary energetic power depends upon its exact geometry. This complex geometry is the key to its effect and has interesting mathematical implications. )


Mantras to invoke Shakti : When we repeatedly utter a Mantra we are tuning to a particular frequency and this frequency establishes a contact with the cosmic energy and drags it into our body and surroundings. Thus we can balance the energies and also increase the level of a certain type of energy, which promote certain actions and events. "Hmmm / Om Aim Kleem Shreem Hreem Namaha" or Aim Shreem Kleem are the mantras which can attract Goddesses energy for our all round success in our material  life.

~ Vijayakumar Alagappan #Siddha Science & Art of Living #Ondre Kulam Endru Paduvom, Oruvane Devan Endru Potruvom #AnbeShivam #Shivahom #Kannane Kann Kanda Deivam #Sagum kalvi (school) vendham, Saaga kalvi (siddha wisdom) vendum

Significance of Navarathiri, Kundalini and Human Life (Video in Tamil)

Science of Navarathiri : During Navarathiri billions of tons of pranic energy / shakti will be projected into our Earth plane to get infuse into tectonic plates, then later it will bubble out through certain crystaline overlay grid points called vortexes and it is an incredible energy. In ancient time the brilliant Siddha masters has guided the Kings at South India to erect the Goddesses temples like Madurai Meenakshi Amman, Kanchi Kamatchi, etc. on such vortexes so that we can energize ourself by visiting and conducting certain rituals for general well being. If you know how to connect the Goddesses in those temples during Navarathiri or just by being conscious with these phenomenon then you can connect with - Goddess Kali who compresses time, so that manifestations can be instantaneous in your life; Goddess Lakshmi who provides wealth through health; and Goddess Saraswati who grants wisdom for art of living. Chant "Na Ma Shi Va Ya" for 108 times before Sun rise by facing East direction and "Aim Shreem Kleem Hreem" for 108 times during Sun set by facing north direction to attune yourself and access the Navarathiri energies. When we repeatedly utter a Mantra we are tuning to a particular frequency and this frequency establishes a contact with the cosmic energy and drags it into our body and surroundings. Aim(Saraswathi) Shreem(Lakshmi) Kleem(Parvathi) Hreem(Durga) ~ Vijayakumar Alagappan #Siddha Science & Art of Living #Ondre Kulam Endru Paduvom, Oruvane Devan Endru Potruvom #AnbeShivam #Shivahom #Kannane Kann Kanda Deivam #Sagum kalvi (school) vendham, Saaga kalvi (siddha wisdom) vendum

Rahu Kaalam, Gulikai Kalam and Yama Gandam Kalam

When and How to observe ?
Rahu Kalam 

Rahu Kalam comes daily where in South India it is carefully monitored. In all Muhurtams (auspicious time for particular functions), Rahu-Kalam is, by and large avoided. Apparently every body wants to escape the unfortunate happenings, whether during the function or even thereafter. Auspicious time selected goes a long way in conferring the needed happiness and prosperity.
Muhurutam or the selection of auspicious moment can neutralize to a certain extent the afflictions existing at the specific time (meant for an event). In other words, it is stated that if marital happiness is not depicted in the birth chart, the Muhurtam may not be in a position to confer on the native expected marital harmony, but it ould definitely reduce the sources of friction to a great extent. Apart from selection of Tithi(date), Vara(day), Nakshtram(constellation), Yogam and Karnam, the selection of a particular moment is important. One method of selecting the auspicious moment is with reference to the Hora of the day (each day is divided into 24 Horas) and the other is with reference to the rising lagna. In-between the selection of auspicious time, comes the Rahu-Kalam, which is normally advised to be be avoided. Rahu-Kalam is determined with reference to the time of Sunrise say 6.ØØ A.M. (for Indian Standard Time) Rahu-Kalam would be ruling the following hours of the day as indicated below:

Rahu kalam is supposed to be a bad time to do anything auspicious or even for starting something new.

Rahu Kalam
- Sunday 4.3Ø p.m. - 6.ØØ p.m.
- Monday 7.3Ø a.m. - 9.ØØ a.m.
- Tuesday 3.ØØ p.m. - 4.3Ø p.m.
- Wednesday 12.ØØ p.m. - 1.3Ø p.m.
- Thursday 1.3Ø p.m. - 3.ØØ p.m.
- Friday 1Ø.3Ø a.m. - 12.ØØ p.m.
- Saturday 9.ØØ a.m. - 1Ø.3Ø a.m.

Gulikai Kalam

Gulika is also called Mandi i.e. the son of Mandam alias Shani). His rising period is not auspicious. Not only that, the Rasi where it stands is not also used for auspicious functions. He rises twice a day – once during day and again at night. However, inauspicious time is given as 1 ½ hours every day, starting from Saturday (being the son of Saturn) 6 a.m. to 7.3Ø a.m.; reckon backwards then i.e. Friday, 7.3Ø to 9.ØØ p.m., and Thursday 9.ØØ a.m. to 1Ø.3Ø a.m. (determined with reference to the time of Sunrise say 6.ØØ A.M).

Gulikai kalam
Sunday 3 p.m. - 4.3Ø p.m.
Monday 1.3Ø p.m. - 3 p.m.
Tuesday 12 p.m. - 1.3Ø p.m.
Wednesday 10.3Ø a.m. - 12 p.m.
Thursday 9 p.m. - 10.3Ø a.m.
Friday 7.3Ø a.m. - 9 a.m.
Saturday 6 a.m. - 7.3Ø a.m.

Yamagandam Kalam

Yamagandam is the son of Guru and he is also considered inauspicious and rising period starts from 6.ØØ a.m. to 7.3Ø a.m. on Thursday, and going backwards i.e. on Wednesday 7.3Ø a.m. to 9.ØØ a.m. etc. (determined with reference to the time of Sunrise say 6.ØØ A.M).

Yamagandam Kalam
Sunday 12.ØØ p.m. - 1.3Ø p.m.
Monday 1Ø.3Ø a.m. - 12.ØØ p.m.
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 1Ø.3Ø a.m.
Wednesday 7.3Ø a.m. - 9 a.m.
Thursday 6 a.m. - 7.3Ø a.m.
Friday 3 p.m. - 4.3Ø p.m.
Saturday 1.3Ø p.m. - 3 p.m.

Rahu Kalam and Yama Gandam are always considered inauspicious while Gulikai though not that inauspicious, is not again treated specially auspicous as there are times of auspiciousness for each day of a year and it is generally avoided for removing human bodies after departure of the soul , for cremation / burial.

( Malaysia and Singapore Sunrise at 6.3Ø a.m. )