Friday, October 19, 2018

Rahu Kaalam, Gulikai Kalam and Yama Gandam Kalam

When and How to observe ?
Rahu Kalam 

Rahu Kalam comes daily where in South India it is carefully monitored. In all Muhurtams (auspicious time for particular functions), Rahu-Kalam is, by and large avoided. Apparently every body wants to escape the unfortunate happenings, whether during the function or even thereafter. Auspicious time selected goes a long way in conferring the needed happiness and prosperity.
Muhurutam or the selection of auspicious moment can neutralize to a certain extent the afflictions existing at the specific time (meant for an event). In other words, it is stated that if marital happiness is not depicted in the birth chart, the Muhurtam may not be in a position to confer on the native expected marital harmony, but it ould definitely reduce the sources of friction to a great extent. Apart from selection of Tithi(date), Vara(day), Nakshtram(constellation), Yogam and Karnam, the selection of a particular moment is important. One method of selecting the auspicious moment is with reference to the Hora of the day (each day is divided into 24 Horas) and the other is with reference to the rising lagna. In-between the selection of auspicious time, comes the Rahu-Kalam, which is normally advised to be be avoided. Rahu-Kalam is determined with reference to the time of Sunrise say 6.ØØ A.M. (for Indian Standard Time) Rahu-Kalam would be ruling the following hours of the day as indicated below:

Rahu kalam is supposed to be a bad time to do anything auspicious or even for starting something new.

Rahu Kalam
- Sunday 4.3Ø p.m. - 6.ØØ p.m.
- Monday 7.3Ø a.m. - 9.ØØ a.m.
- Tuesday 3.ØØ p.m. - 4.3Ø p.m.
- Wednesday 12.ØØ p.m. - 1.3Ø p.m.
- Thursday 1.3Ø p.m. - 3.ØØ p.m.
- Friday 1Ø.3Ø a.m. - 12.ØØ p.m.
- Saturday 9.ØØ a.m. - 1Ø.3Ø a.m.

Gulikai Kalam

Gulika is also called Mandi i.e. the son of Mandam alias Shani). His rising period is not auspicious. Not only that, the Rasi where it stands is not also used for auspicious functions. He rises twice a day – once during day and again at night. However, inauspicious time is given as 1 ½ hours every day, starting from Saturday (being the son of Saturn) 6 a.m. to 7.3Ø a.m.; reckon backwards then i.e. Friday, 7.3Ø to 9.ØØ p.m., and Thursday 9.ØØ a.m. to 1Ø.3Ø a.m. (determined with reference to the time of Sunrise say 6.ØØ A.M).

Gulikai kalam
Sunday 3 p.m. - 4.3Ø p.m.
Monday 1.3Ø p.m. - 3 p.m.
Tuesday 12 p.m. - 1.3Ø p.m.
Wednesday 10.3Ø a.m. - 12 p.m.
Thursday 9 p.m. - 10.3Ø a.m.
Friday 7.3Ø a.m. - 9 a.m.
Saturday 6 a.m. - 7.3Ø a.m.

Yamagandam Kalam

Yamagandam is the son of Guru and he is also considered inauspicious and rising period starts from 6.ØØ a.m. to 7.3Ø a.m. on Thursday, and going backwards i.e. on Wednesday 7.3Ø a.m. to 9.ØØ a.m. etc. (determined with reference to the time of Sunrise say 6.ØØ A.M).

Yamagandam Kalam
Sunday 12.ØØ p.m. - 1.3Ø p.m.
Monday 1Ø.3Ø a.m. - 12.ØØ p.m.
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 1Ø.3Ø a.m.
Wednesday 7.3Ø a.m. - 9 a.m.
Thursday 6 a.m. - 7.3Ø a.m.
Friday 3 p.m. - 4.3Ø p.m.
Saturday 1.3Ø p.m. - 3 p.m.

Rahu Kalam and Yama Gandam are always considered inauspicious while Gulikai though not that inauspicious, is not again treated specially auspicous as there are times of auspiciousness for each day of a year and it is generally avoided for removing human bodies after departure of the soul , for cremation / burial.

( Malaysia and Singapore Sunrise at 6.3Ø a.m. )

1 comment:

  1. Vishwanath.P, Bangalore, India.July 3, 2011 at 11:04 PM

    I just happened to browse your site accidentally.Could you please let me know when you are conducting meditation classes in India?
    Also provide me the details on the same!
