Wednesday, November 18, 2015

IKS Science & Art of Living - 10 Months Course

What is Science? Science is the knowledge of life that comes from the brain faculty. What is Art? Art is the way how we apply the knowledge in our daily life through the heart. We need to use both Science(brain) and Art (heart) equally in life to access into our highest self to be successful in life.

Siddha Science & Art of living is not just the oldest and the first human system that ever existed since the prehistoric period but its a science and proof of intense spirituality and  the Siddhars, ancient scientist show the immense possibility of a human beings. Our ancient South India in the past, was known for its uniqueness in spreading spiritual awareness and introducing extraordinary innovations that benefitted humanity and environment through its 64 sciences & arts of living (64 aya kalaigal). The enlightened Siddha masters of South India were keen to live their life spiritualy in sync with nature and the Almighty (the ultimate source that drives the functioning of entire universe) and inspire humanity through this path.

As being spiritual requires one to possess good physical / mental health through 'asanam' and 'dyanam', but the Siddha masters also involved in work to take care of their basic life necessities such as air, food, and shelter in tune with the rhythm of nature. They exhibited selfless dedication, devotion and love in whatever they performed. They enjoyed doing their work (similar to playing a game). This blossomed their innovative sense and thereby led to the formation of different streams of arts & crafts, in line with basic life necessities.

Today we already lost this priceless divine path and our ability to directly connect with nature and the Almighty. Instead of doing work to attain the goal (to connect with the Almighty or nature and attain our ultimate human's goal), we started focusing only on human-made materials (money or technology) to get air, food, and shelter. For example, our current generation of university and college students pursue any course with the primary intent of earning money (material) and raise to an affluent society status (power to rule). They rarely aspire to invent any product, which benefits self / society / environment.

This materialistic-oriented goal develops immense self-ego, insecure feeling, negative emotions and other psychological problem. This is the core reason why we could not find lasting joy and peace, even after being blessed with all kind of materialistic wealth.

When our mind aims to attain only the materials, it loses its ability to connect with nature and the Almighty. Neither will it have interest or passion towards any kind of art.
For the sake of getting wealth and power, when we are forced to do a work that does not suit our inherent talent, then we no more enjoy our work. This leads to decrease in our innovative sense and therefore art skill within us also vanishes. The result of such work will be a normal output and we will be filled with dissatisfied feelings of doing mechanical work & frustration.

We do accept that globalization and money are essential to sustain in this modern age. However, we must also make some significant efforts to regain our wisdom tradition that align with nature and the Almighty. The Sciences of brain and Arts of the heart  must work together without overpower each other. When head (sciences) and heart (arts) united, you will enter into the domain of Almighty. Along this objective, this course is another IKS Academy's attempts to empower society for successful life.

Remember, only by regaining our ancient tradition, culture, science, art and wisdom we can regain our ancient glories by ‘realizing our self by going back to nature’ and understanding nature’s mystical power. To lead a blissful life in sync with nature and promote activities that provide pure or clean environment. This calls for the need to revive  Science and Art of ancient ways of life, with the primary focus on Siddha Vaidhiyam, Siddha Yoga, Siddha Astrology and Siddha Rituals. Through knowing the Siddha Science & Art of Living you can attain greater joy, pleasure, peace, relationship, wealth and ultimately live a life, in tune with nature and the Almighty for enlightenment. ~ Vijayakumar Alagappan

Its a must attend course for knowledge seekers Hindus, South Indian and free thinkers. You will learn every thing that you need for your success in life here, which you can never learn in today's education in schools, colleges or universities. Tell your friend about this rarest and priceless course today to create greater society. For further info on the course structure, fees and booking for next Course call 013 350 5903 or email to

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