Thursday, June 19, 2014

Significance of Pournami / Full Moon

The Pournami is the time to create or manifest your desires since the energies of the Goddesses Lakshmi, Saraswati and Parvati are all at their peak power on Pournami. Goddess Lakshmi grants the power to manifest wealth and create joy. Goddess Saraswati gives the power of knowledge and love of music and dance. Goddess Parvati fulfils worldly desires and gives peace. It is said that the Sun God and the Moon Goddess are cooled down by the shower of the Pournami rays which are the reflected Sun rays and in turn shower their blessings on Earth in the form of prosperity and joy.

What happens during Pournami ?
Ascended enlightenment masters, the Siddhas, Yogi and Rishis although they live in the other dimension they come to earth plane on this day in order to bless the human being so that they can receive spiritual blessings.

The earth plane is also for performing certain ritual and meditation practices. So the ascended Siddhas, Yogis and Rishis come to earth plane on Full Moon day in order to perform those rituals. When you are aware you can get connected to them and get their bless easily.

Chakra Meditation Pose in My Photos by Garden Dialogue

How our body and mind will react to Pournami ?
The planet has moved into a certain position with the moon. The vibration and the feel of the moon is very different when it is full than when it is in other states. And the magnetic pull is also different; the pull of the moon is working upon the surface of the planet which is exposed to the moon. So when there is a natural pull like this, because your spine is vertical, there is a tendency for the energy to go into a natural upsurge of upward movement. Within you, the blood and the prana – the fundamental life energies, flow in a different way because the vibrations have changed. So just as the tides rise more on that night because the gravitational pull of the moon is working on the water more than on other nights, your blood is also being pulled and the circulation of blood increases in your brain.

When this upward movement happens, whatever is your quality, can get enhanced. You may have heard that people who are a little off their mental balance will become more imbalanced on those days because the upsurge in energy enhances whatever is your quality. If you are little imbalanced, it will make you more imbalanced. It is also doing the same to the other qualities in you, but most people may not be sensitive enough to notice it. If you are meditative, it makes you more meditative. If you are love, it makes you more love. If you are fear, it makes you more fear. Whatever is your quality, it enhances that.

What to do during full moon day?
One should seek guidance, blessing and grace of Ascended Masters. It is better to visit and meditate in holy places and to worship one’s own Guru.

How to make home environment positive and receptive during full moon day ?
Apart from doing meditation, one can do Homam and can chant mantras. It is better to let the mantra cd run all the day. Mantras have positive sounds which completely transform the environment and make it more receptive to divine energy.

How to do Homam ritual by yourself ?
Homam is a fire ritual where normally a priest is called to conduct at home to cleanse the house of any unwanted negative energy and invoke positive energy. In the ritual special herbs and twigs are used in a fire to clears the house of any bad energy.

You can do this yourself by buying the homam ingredients, where you can be easily buy in Indian shop which will cost around RM 10 a box and conducting a simple fire ritual by burning it inside a clay pot. Doing this ritual once every month on the eve or the morning of Pournami (Full Moon) would rid off any negative energy that is accumulated in the house and charge your house with Nithya Deivathai shakti - energies from the Full Moon for a greater prosperity.

- by Vijayakumar Alagappan

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