Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Path of the Ancient Wisdom - By Dr. Hiro Badlani

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Dr. Hiro G Badlani ( ? ) practiced opthmalogy for 40 years in Mumbai, India. After retiring he moved to the US to join his children. In his recent book, Hinduism: Path of the Ancient Wisdom he notes that:

"Unlike the Western concept of linear time, the Hindus accept time as cyclical, with neither beginning nor end. At first, the concept of Vedic Kalpas (time units) might seem absurd, but when these figures are compared with modern astronomical scientific data, it is amazing to notice the patterns of similarity between the two. How could it have been possible to discover all this without any technology, without instruments, and without any computers? Ancient Hindu seers or Rishis, who are credited with having invented the zero and decimal phenomenon, seem to have had a deep insight of cosmic events, based on the fundamental principle of harmony. "

"There are billions of other galaxies of stars like ours. Hindu scriptures have given stunning descriptions of these infinite, countless solar systems (brahmands) in the cosmos. The galaxies have been there from eternity. But the most surprising thing is that all these stars, their satellites, comets, and other phenomena are positioned with a faultless precision. The ancient Hindu Rishis studied these complex astronomical structures minutely, giving the world authentic and deep knowledge of astronomy and astrology. "

"Hindu Rishis stated that there are eternal cycles of evolutions, or srshti, and dissolutions (pralaya) taking place in the cosmos. Modern science is only now coming to grips with this understanding of the cosmic phenomenon. The Rishis, however, recognized this cosmic phenomenon, and they called it Brahman - the transcendental, supreme, the eternal soul, which pervades everything, everywhere, at all times. The world is there, and we are there because of this source of power behind us. In fact, all our power and intelligence is simply extended to us from this eternal source. The concept of universal Brahman sowed the seeds of spiritual unity."

"Human beings have now started to realize how tiny a particle of this vast infinite cosmos of the Divine they are and should not, therefore, become arrogant about their own accomplishments and achievements, however big they might be. The ancient Rishis also recognized vulnerability and weakness of man. They recognized the futility of man to depend upon his ego. They compared man to a wave of the ocean; it rises and moves because it is with the ocean. Separated from it, the wave will perish in a moment. They compared the man to a whiff of air, to a bubble of water, to a speck of dust, and to a grain of sand. Again and Again they reminded mankind to be vigilant. They reminded man to strive to remain in connection and union with the source, the eternal God."

Hindu Rishis sang and wrote thousands of hymns in tribute to this supreme power."

(source: Hinduism: Path of the Ancient Wisdom - By Dr. Hiro Badlani p. 1 - 5).


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