Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thai Masam Amavasai Tharpanam - 4th Feb 2Ø19

The secret of overcoming your problems!
~ By Vijayakumar Alagappan

All human beings on this earth are born with three Rinas (Debts) such as Deva Rina (Gods & Goddesses), Rishi Rina(12 level of Gurus) and Pitru Rina(departed ancestors).  Deva Rina is a kind of debt owed to Lord that can be paid off by leading Dharmic way of living, visiting temples and doing self-less service to Lord and following customs and rituals.  Rishi Rinas are the debt owed to Rishis which can be cleared by living a life of morality and following the rules prescribed in the Siddhantam and sacred scriptures.  Finally, Pitru Runas are the debt owed to ancestors can be well paid off by performing homage to ancestors in the form of Tharpanam rituals.

According to Siddhas (South Indian Mystics) another main reason for all of our everyday problems besides planets is the departed spirits of our ancestors. Our role is that we should constantly connect to the departed ancestors to live a peaceful life.

Our departed forefathers / ancestors cannot come to this world whenever they think, except on Amavasai ( New Moon ), the starting day of every month and during Mahalaya Paksha. So they all will come in sookshma (means not visible to naked eyes) dehas and if we offer them the sesame (gingili) and water they accept that, and bless us directly.

The best blessings and worst curses come from your departed parents, grandparents and ancestors. If your ancestors decide to help you, they can change your life instantaneously.

There are only three times a year that we can strongly influence and help our departed ancestors elevate to higher plane where in return they will bless us for our well being.

- Thai Masam Amavasya :New Moon (15 Jan to 15 feb)

- Adi Masam Amavasya : New Moon (15 July to 15 Aug)

- Purattasi Masam Amavasya : New Moon (15 Sept to 15 Oct)

This coming Thai Masam Amavasai (New Moon) on 16th January 2018 the departed souls will visit the earth plane to bless their relations. Performing tantric rituals for them on this special day is very important for both our material and spiritual enhancement. They can bless us with greater health, wealth, prosperity and enlightenment. Tarpanam on Thai Masam Amavasai is best performed by trained priests.

The blessings of your deceased ancestors, both maternal as well as paternal, are a major reason why you do or do not succeed in this life. 

To perform the daily (Nithya Tharpanam) and monthly Tantric Tarpanam ritual by yourself you can learn in our Tantric Astrology Consultation - for appointment call +6012 910 7301

Tharpanam is done only for departed beings, that is, those who have passed on. Tharpanam is not done for those who are alive. If you don't know the name of an ancestor, that is fine. Just state the relationship alone and offer tharpanam for that ancestor.

Can one do tharpanam for more than 12 departed ancestors?
The answer is yes. But that is a more advanced procedure.

When to do Tharpanam?
Tharpanam should be done at sunrise. There is a tradition that says that tharpanam should be done at noon. If this is your tradition, please do follow that.

Where to do Tharpanam?
You can do tharpanam right in the comfort of your home.
But it is that much more effective to do it in temples and on the banks of sacred rivers.

If you can do tharpanam in the Pitru Moksha temples and sacred spots, that would be the best.(Rameswaram Temple is one of the most powerful spot for tarpanam ritual)

If your ancestors are not resting peacefully, then they can cause much disruption and hardship in your life.

Can the son do tharpanam if the father is alive?
The most serious misconception regarding tharpanam is the idea that if the father is alive, the son should not do tharpanam. The son has a pitru debt just as the father does. So it is important to shed this misconception rightaway. The father can do pitru tharpanam and so can the son and the son's son. In fact, if all three do it together, the pitrus will be very pleased!

Can women do tharpanam?
Women can do pitru tharpanam just as well as men. Think of this key point: If there are no sons in a family, does that mean the ancestors should be starved of tharpanam? The answer is NO. The daughters can certainly do tharpanam. Preferably women should use white sesame seeds in their tharpanam.

The Process of Rebirth and The Cycle of Birth and Death

The ancestors must always be worshipped first…Hell and Heaven is right here among the species…we all must account for our actions-if you bark at people you will become a dog in the next life or gossip a lot will become a frog…when these ancestors are caught up in the lower levels of life then the cycle of birth and death ceased, and women in the family are unable to give birth to babies…causing extinction of the family.


Perform Tharpanam rituals with IKS Academy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

- Limited to 9Ø people only
- Rm 71 ( Moksha Vilaku, Thachanai to priest, Annadhanam + Vastradhanam + Thachanai at old folks and Children homes are included)
- Dress code : Saree and Veshti
- Bring along your family members to the ritual so that they also will get your departed ancestors blessings

You can call and confirm with us to take part in this special tantric ritual with Indian Knowledge System Academy @ 013 35Ø 59Ø

Click below to follow and know more about our event on Thai Tharpanam at KL :


1. Pithru Tharpanamis done only for departed beings, that is, those who are dead. Pithru Tharpanam is not done for those who are alive.

2. If you don't know the name of an ancestor, that is fine. Just state the relationship alone and offer
Tharpanam for that ancestor.

3. If you know the gotra lineage of a person, say it just before you mention the relationship, e.g., Sri Vatsa Gotra great grandfather Muruga or Vadhoola Gotra friend Suresh in the examples above. If you do not know the gotra of the person or you do not know what gotra is, just ignore this step.

4. For those who wear the sacred thread, change it to your right shoulder at the beginning of the Pithru Tharpanam ceremony and back to the left shoulder at the end of the ceremony. There are special mantras for this step. If you don't wear the sacred thread, ignore this step.

5. Can also do Pitra Tharpanam for more than 12 departed ancestors.

6. There are special mantras for each specific ancestor. These special mantras will have their special effect for sure.

7. The Pithru Tharpanam has to be done at the Sunrise; some people follow the procedure of doing this around noon.

8. The Pitra Tharpanams could be done in the comfort of your house. It is very wonderful to do in the designated temples or on the banks of sacred rivers. It gives very good results, if it is done at Pithru Moksha temples or sacred spots.

9. Pithru Tharpanam or Pitra Tharpanam can be performed by the following peoples. Elder Son/ other Son/ Wife/ Daughter/ Second wife/ Son or daughter of the Second wife/ Son or boy born out of wedlock.

Do's and Dont's while doing Pithru Tharpanam:

1. Never do this Pithru Tharpanam without taking head bath and your body & mind should be clean and calm.

2. Must do this Pithru Tharpanam on empty stomach (no coffee/water too)

3. Never eat Non Vegetarian foods on the day that you do this ritual.

4. It is highly sinful to offer Non Vegetarian foods / alcohol to the departed souls.

5. It is highly damaging to mix sesame seeds with any non vegetarian foods.

6. Should not take bath (for the whole day) after completing Pithru Tharpanam / Pujas.

7. It is always good to offer foods to those who are in really need of it.

8. Never do Pithru Tharpanam on your Jenma Nakshatras.

9. It is good to visit temples after completing the Pithru Tharpanam.


May Your Ancestors Bless You with Good Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Enlightenment

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