Tuesday, July 4, 2017

What is Full Moon & Guru Purnima (Full Moon of the Guru) ?

The Moon is the sensorial, transmitter and collector of  other planetary influences.The phases of the Moon affects our mind and emotions.

What happens during full moon ?
Ascended enlightenment masters, the Siddhas, Yogi and Rishis although they live in the other dimension they come to earth plane on this day in order to bless the human being so that they can receive spiritual blessings.

The earth plane is also for performing certain ritual and meditation practices. So the ascended Siddhas, Yogis and Rishis come to earth plane on Full Moon day in order to perform those rituals. When you are aware you can get connected to them and get their bless easily.

What to do during full moon day?
One should seek guidance, blessing and grace of Ascended Masters. It is better to visit and meditate in holy places and to worship one’s own Guru.

How to make home environment positive and receptive during full moon day ?
Apart from doing meditation, one can do Homam and can chant mantras. It is better to let the mantra cd run all the day. Mantras have positive sounds which completely transform the environment and make it more receptive to divine energy. 

How to do Homam ritual by yourself ?
Homam is a fire ritual where normally a priest is called to conduct at home to cleanse the house of any unwanted negative energy and invoke positive energy. In the ritual special herbs and twigs are used in a fire to clears the house of any bad energy. 

You can do this yourself by buying the homam ingredients, where you can be easily buy in Indian shop which will cost around RM 10 a box and conducting a simple fire ritual by burning it inside a clay pot. 
Doing this ritual once every month on the eve or the morning of Pournami (Full Moon) would rid off any negative energy that is accumulated in the house and charge your house with Nithya Deivathai shakti - energies from the Full Moon for greater prosperity.

Siddhar Thirumular Samadhi

What is Guru Purnima ?
On every full moon in July is the "Full Moon of the Guru" or Guru Purnima, an ancient tradition on the eastern calendar. It is a radiant time when all the celestial teachers, light beings, ascended masters, angels and illumined ones open channels into the earth plane and act as conduits to deliver increased levels of energy and light into the world. It represents spiritual renewal of the planet. The moon is associated with consciousness, particularly with the right brain. Each phase of the moon carries its own special energy. The full moon represents enlightenment, which is the full flowering of consciousness. GURU PURNIMA IS ON 8th JULY THIS YEAR IN 2017

Who is Guru ?
Guru is the person who dispels darkness. Guru can be split into two root words - Gu and Ru. Gu means darkness and Ru is light. The darkness here refers to the lack of clarity in the mind owing to muddled thinking patterns that have formed grooves in the psyche. These thought grooves do not allow a person to progress in life. They are highly limiting in nature and this does not allow an individual to know his true nature, which is a limitless consciousness. A guru is a person who functions like a master sculptor, chiselling a big piece of rock, which is the disciple. He sees the idol in the rock and chips out all the unwanted bits and pieces. What remains is a fine ideal of a personality that was hidden within the maze of confusing thoughts.

The Saptarishi or the Seven Great Sages (Atri, Bhrigu, Pulastya, Vasistya, Gautama, Angirasa and Marichi) are the primeval teachers who continue to guide humanity to the secrets of life and universe. They are known as 'seers' as they are said to possess perfect knowledge about the past, present and future of humanity. On Guru Purnima, grace from these Masters is easily accessible to all those who think of them.

Importance and significance of Guru Purnima
Guru Purnima is one of the most auspicious days in the Hindu calender. It is the day when the Guru principle frequencies are 1000 time more active on earth. It is a celebration of the Guru disciple lineage and also a day for the disciple to express his gratitude to the Guru for his spiritual upliftment. 

The Greatness of True Guru
The true Guru only comes to those who are blessed by God, and who are ready to recieve guidence with humility. Understand the rare gift it is to come into contact with such a pure Guru. Listen quietly and sincerely to the untainted words of such a genuine Guru and allow yourself to learn and absorb his teachings to you.

The Guru is considered an embodiment of the archetypes Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. As per a Vedic saying, Guru's form is the basis of meditation, Guru's feet are the basis of worship, Guru's words are the basis of mantra (sacred sound), and Guru's grace is the basis of enlightenment.

On this most important day, meditate on the lotus feet of your Guru. Mentally pray to him for his grace,through which alone can attain Self-realization. If you do not have Guru then pray to Lord Dakshnamurthi or Lord Krishna to purify your heart for arrival of your Guru in this life.

You may study the books or writings of your Guru, or mentally reflect upon his teachings. The best form of worship of the Guru is to follow his teachings, to shine as the very embodiment of his teachings, and to propagate his glory and his message.

Every human being in this world lead life only in search of Guru knowingly or unknowingly. That means any human life in this world is the most certified path towards his Spiritual master only. Hence human life is declared as the most precious one as this only helps attain your Spiritual Master and then God too.

If one does not come across his Guru, what happens then? Then the search for Guru will continues in many lives. So the real meaning of human birth itself is continuation of search (Guru).

Slokam on Guru
"Gururbrahmaa gururvishnuh gururdevo Maheswarah
Guruh-saakshaat parambrahma tasmai shrigurave namah"
Meaning: Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.

"Dhyaanamoolam Gurur Moorthihi Poojamoolam Guroh Padam Mantramoolam Guror Vaakyam Moksha Moolam Guru Krupa"
Meaning: The Guru's form is the best to meditate upon; the Guru's feet are the best for worship; the Guru's word is the mantra; the Guru's Grace is the root of liberation.

By Vijayakumar Alagappan www.iksacademy.com

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