Monday, July 4, 2011

Rahu Ketu Dosha Behaviour Pattern

The Behavioural Tendencies of The Natives of Rahu-Ketu Doshas

Native suffering from Rahu Dosha :

1. Prefer hot food items, as against their normal nature.
2. Prefer to take food in isolation and also in darkness.
3. Taking bath at Noon and that too after having lunch.
4. Biting nails, cleaning ear without reason.
5. Spitting quite frequently.
6. Suffering from skin diseases, allergies..
7. House is easily getting the mildew, even after taking precautions.
8. Sudden heavy loss in share market investment.
9. Seeing snakes quite often in dreams.

Woman natives :
1. Cleaning the house during night times.
2. Sitting on the threshold of the house.
3. Not interested to wear the sindhoor (pottu).

Nature suffering Ketu Dosha :
1. Making a collection and hoarding of useless items.
2. Betting in horse-races and gambling.
3. Telling lies without any reason.
4. Negligence in taking bath and getting fresh-up in the morning.
5. Un-cleanliness in the house.
6. Depressive mood and speaking always in pessimistic tendency.
7. Addiction to alcohol, tobacco products, indulging in playing cards etc.,

with the above characteristics, we can easily find out that the particular native is suffering from Rahu-Ketu dosha and can suggest remedies.

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