Monday, May 16, 2011

What is Homam?

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Homam are pujas performed for a particular deity by invoking Agni – God of fire. Homam is refers to any kind of "ritual in offerings" that is made into a consecrated fireplace. Homas are an important religious practice in Hinduism, where they are a part of most of the ceremonies, in all creeds and castes.

During a Homam, various rituals are performed successively in order to trigger various positive energies and also to develop the right sensation during the Homa. Some of these rituals are common and must be practiced before any fire ritual. After these rituals are executed, the main Homa would instigate; wherein the rituals differ depending on which deity you want to invoke.

The goal of all Homams is the prosperity of the people at large by energizing and protecting the environment. The Sun is considered as the main source of energy supply, and fire is considered as a representation of the Sun’s energy. According to the ancient texts on Homams, any offer to Fire as God, is actually an offer to Sun. Any such offer is either to enrich energy in the environment or to destroy the undesirable elements in the environment, and thus, in both ways, environment is protected. The Ghee and other ingredients that used in homams when burnt purufies air and atmosphere as they have medicinal values. The some that emerges from the Homam Kunda mixes with wind and spreads to far and wide. Perhaps this is the best method one can say that Hindus identified to purify the environment at a very low cost which the modern technology yet fails to do.

Homas can be performed for kundalini activation, marriage, health, career, success, business, wealth and prosperity. They can be performed for fulfillment of any worthy goals or desires.

Homams can be performed for any desires, goal, issues or problems. So they can be requested for any purpose or motivation, as long as they are for highest good.

When a sadhaka(aspirant) participates with sincere devotion in a homam acivities and as various offerings like molten butter, herbs, twigs of certain trees are offered into the sacrificial fire along with the powerful chanting of mantras, the energy generated enables the sadhaka to tune into the Cosmic consciousness or God, whereby his prayers are answered. It is well known that the presence of fire has an immediate bearing on the sadhaka's Kundalini and the energy fields of that place, which makes the prayers all the more sincere and dedicated to God. The time taken to perform a homa varies between 1 hour to 3 hours, depending on the nature of the homam.
Homams can be performed for neutralization, transcendence and alleviation of difficult karma, for appeasement of sufferings, for removal of obstacles and blockages, for dissolution of crisis, for clarity through chaos, for healing of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances, for protection from dangerous situation, and for reversal of already manifested problems.

Homas influence and modify your DNA. Eventually you realize that the functioning of your mind is different. Your perception of reality changes and evolves, therefore your suffering diminishes, answers and solutions are provided to you mare and more spontaneously, you start to feel happier and more joyful, and you have more peace of mind. People also start reacting to you differently because they react to the new you.

Lord Agni

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Lord Agni (God of Fire) is one of the most important of the Vedic gods. He is the god of fire, the messenger of the gods, the acceptor of sacrifice. Agni is in everyone's hearth; he is the vital spark of life, and so a part of him is in all living things; he is the fire which consumes food in peoples' stomachs, as well as the fire which consumes the offerings to the gods. He is the fire of the sun, in the lightening bolt, and in the smoke column which holds up the heavens. The stars are sparks from his flame. He was so important to the ancient Indians that 200 hymns in the Rig Veda are addressed to him, and eight of its ten books begin with praises dedicated to him.

Lord Agni brings fire in all what you do. When your inner fire is on and burning well, it means you have energy and it shows as good health, beauty and a bright, sparkling personality. Since energy equivalent to money, the more energy you have, the more money you can make. All the main processes in your body: breathing, digesting and entire metabolism is a form of burning reaction.

Agni Mantra

1 comment:

  1. Anbe Sivam.
    Dear Brother Vijayakumar,
    I would sincerely like to thank you for all the articles that you have been sending to me all this while.On behalf of me, please thank all the members of IKSA for the good job well done. Keep up the good work.
    Brother, I would like to know the time Pournami starts this month. The calendar states that it is on 17/05/201, but the priest in Bayan Baru Sivan Temple, Penang claims that it starts on the 16th of May at 7pm. Even the Guru Payerchi was held on 9/05/2011. I would appreciate it if your goodself could give me the actual time for Malaysia.

    Thank you.
    May The Almighty Lord Siva be with you at all times.
    Anbe Sivam, Sathyame Parasivam.
