Monday, August 16, 2010

Sun enter into Leo - time to channelize energies to achieving your most important goals

On August 17 2010, the royal Sun enter into Leo, and stays there for 30 days. The Sun is at home in Leo, since it is the sign ruled by Sun. Whenever a planet transits into its own sign, the energies that the planet emits are extravagant. So, this is the time to channelize the increased vitality in your life for achieving your most important goals.

The Sun is the God – whom everyone can see, perceive and pray. The Sun in astrology called Ravi or Surya. He is the life-giver and time-giver. He is the lord of Leo in the zodiac. He stays one month in each rasi and takes 365 days or 12 months to complete a round of Rasis. Worship of this God on Sunday is supposed to bring in manifold benefits to the worshippers.

He has two wives, Sanjana and Chhaya. The first one is the daughter of Vishwakarma. After her marriage she found that she could not bear the power of this god’s rays. She therefore, made an image of her own, imparted life to it and left it with Surya the Sun god. Later on she turned into mare and was adopted bu Surya again.

Surya has several sons. The lawgiver, Manu, the lord of death, Yama and the river Yamuna were born of Sanjana. According to Mahabharata, the great warior Karna was this god’s illegitimate son by Kunti, the mother of Pandavas. Surya is also the father of the monkey chief, Sugriva, who was the ally of Lord Rama.

Wake up every day at least 1 hour before Sun rise and practice Surya namaskaram (Sun salutation exercise) follow by chanting ‘Hmmm Surya Namaha’ mantra 108 times during Sun rise if you want success in every sphere of your life, showers of material comforts and builds your reputation in career. You can also chant or listen to Aditya Hrudayam everyday for this 3o days from August 17 2010.
-By Vijayakumar Allagappan

You can listen to Aditya Hrudayam in earlier posting below.....

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