Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tantric-sexual energy, from Thirumantiram

-Siddhar Thirumulanathar

Thirumular, the reputed author of Thirumanthiram, the first and unique treatise in Tamil on yoga. Siddhar Thirumulanathar who gave us the famous dictum 'Anbe Shivam' (God is love), the author of Thirumanthiram was the disciple of Nandhinathar.

Siddhar Thirumulanathar is revered as the "Grandfather" by all the other Siddhars who attained the body of Light. His transforming wisdom written as Thirumandiram has guided innumerous seekers to enlightenment and beyond over several thousands of years.

Verse 844.
parillai nirillai pankayam onruNtu
tarillai verillai tamarai puttatu
urillai kaNum oLiyatu onruNtu
kilillai melillai keLviyir puve

There is a lotus
That neither land nor water knows;
No stalk, no root - yet the lotus has blossomed!
There was no root – yet there is a light!
Neither above nor below is a flower that no one has heard of.

Verse 283.
puNarcciyul ayilai mel anpu pola
uNarcciyuL anke o Tunkaval larkku
uNarcciyil latu kulavi ulavi
aNaittalum inpam atuvitu vame

Like the sweet love experienced in sexual intercourse,
So, in the Great Love, let yourself succumb to God;
Thus sublimed in Love, all your senses stilled,
Abounding in Bliss Supreme, That this becomes.

Verse 825.
Pucu vanavallam pucip pularttiya
Vaca narunkulal malaiyun cattik
Kayak kulali kalavi yorTunkalan
Tucit tuLaiyurat tunkatu pokame

Anointing her body with diverse unguents,
Bedecking her tresses with fragrant flowers,
Enjoy the damsel in erotic union;
If thou but know how to shoot
Prana breath through the sushumna,
Their enjoyment never ceases.

Verse 826.
pokattai yunnave pokatu vayuvu
mokattai veLLiyu miLum viyalattil
cutotta menmulai yaLunar cutanun
tatir kulaintu talaikaNTa vare

When they seek enjoyment
The breath stands still;
The full-breasted damsel and fervent male
Stand in union exalted;
As liquid silver and gold
Their erotic emissions
Commingle in rapture.

Verse 827.
kuNTanung kaNTiyung katalcey yokattu
maNTalang koNTiru palum veLirirkum
vaNTiyai merkoNTu vanir uruTTitat
taNToru kalun taLaratu ankame

In the sex-yoga that is practiced
By the male and female,
Upward they drive the coach of breath
Whose wheels are on the right and the left;
There they collect the waters of Heaven
And never do their limbs become tired.

Verse 828
ankap puNarcciyu makinra tattuva
mankattil vintu varukinra pokattup
pankap paTamar parikarit tuttammait
tankik koTukkat talaivanu mame

This is the meaning of that union:
When semen flows during sex
The yogi does not let it go,
But checks it
And retains it within
And then he becomes a master.

Verse 829.
talaivanu mayiTun tanvali nanan
talaivanu mayiTun tanvali pokan
talaivanu mayiTun tanvali yuLLe
talaivanu mayiTun tanvali ance

He becomes the master of jnana’
He becomes the master of enjoyment,
He becomes the master of himself
He becomes the master of the senses.

Verse 830.
Ancu kaTikaimel arang kaTikayil
Tuncuva tonrat tuNaivanpal
Nencu niraintatu vaykola tenratu
Pancu kaTikai pariyanka yokame

This is priyanka yoga
That lasts five ghaTikas [=two and half an hour];
Beyond, in the sixth,
The damsel sleeps in the arms of her lover
In blissful union
That fills the heart
And passes description.

Verse 841.
Minnitai yaLumin naLanaing kuTTattup
PonniTai vaTTattin uLLe pukappeytu
Tannotu tannait talaippeyya vallaren
maNNiTaip palluli valalu mame

If you can get to the Divine
In the Golden Circle within [the cranium]
And join there in union,
You may live on earth
A million trillion years.

Verse 842.
Vanka lirutalai vankalil vankiya
Vinka valikkum virakari varillai
Vinka valikkum virakari vaLarum
Onkiya tannai utampaNNi nare

Inhaling, exhaling, and retaining the breath-
None knows its techniques of control,
And those of skill who know it
Offer themselves entirely to the Lord.

Verse 843.
Utamarin tanke oruculip paTTar
katamarin tanke kapalang karukkum
itamarin tenrum iruppaL orutti
patamarin tummuLe parkkaTin tale

Knowing the way of self-oblation,
If they get into the Mystic Circle of the Divine,
They reach the True Way;
And their hair turns dark
In eternal youthfulness,
And the One Shakti will abide within.

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