Heaven's Gates will Open ~ By Vijayakumar Alagappan www.iksacademy.com
Vaikunda Ekadasi is the 11th Waxing Moon that falls in the Tamil month of Margazhi. Vaikundam is the sacred abode of Lord Maha Vishnu. The Vaishnava traditions hail Vaikundam as the ultimate place to enter and rest. This day is the day to open the gates to cross over into salvation. There are 24 Ekadasi or 11th Moons in a year and Vaikunda Eakadasi is the most powerful and looked forward to the most as many seek spiritual redemption, or rescue from the current confusion and suffering; a place of peace.
It is believed that if one observes Vaikunda Ekadasi then the gates to heaven are kept open for when that person's soul leaves the physical body. The soul ends its cycle of death and rebirth by attaining the ultimate salvation, free from this mortal coil.
As it occurs in Margazhi, the month of 'Twilight in Heaven' it is seen as the time the gods rest and when we pray earnestly and sincerely, it has more effect on this day as the spiritual energy will come to us more directly. This Margazhi month is a divine and highly spiritual month when the mind and soul can turn to god within.
Vaikunda Ekadasi in cosmic terms
Vaikunda ekadasi is the day of cosmic significance that of the earth coming in line with the galactic centre, Sagittarius (Dhanusu rasi) and the cosmic centre. In other words, on this day, the earth will be at the outer most point from the centre of our galaxy and the nearest point to the outer space from where we, the entire systen of ours evolved and is moving outward.
Keep the Gates Open It is believed that if one observes Vaikunda Ekadasi then the gates to heaven are kept open for when that person's soul leaves the physical body. The soul ends its cycle of death and rebirth by attaining the ultimate salvation, free from this mortal coil.
No Sleep
Staunch Vaishnava devotees who observe Vaikunda Ekadasi fasting do not sleep. They spend the whole night at Vishnu temples or by singing prayers or listening stories dedicated to Lord Vishnu.
Fasting on Vaikunda Ekadasi Though there are 24 Ekadashis in a year, observing fast on Vaikunda Ekadasi day offers equal benefits of observing all the other 23 Ekadashis during the year. Devotees observe a complete fast on the day, awake during the whole night and offer prayers such as Vishnu Ashtotharam and Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotra of Lord Vishnu. However, if it is not possible to fast completely, one can consume fruits and milk. Food made from rice is to be avoided during the day. The fast is to be broken on the following day.It is believed that even a partial or total abstinence from food on Ekadasi is rewarded with bliss. You can also opt for a partial fast by avoiding food made of rice. There is no need to observe total fast, just be hungry and alert. The spiritual energy at this time comes directly. Be alert.
Significance of Fasting on the 11th Tithi / Moon According to scientific research, it is known that the air pressure on the earth varies to extreme limits on both the new moon (Amavasai) and the full moon (Pournami) day. This is because of the orbital path combination of the sun, moon and earth. This can be observed by the change in the nature of the tidal waves on the new moon and full moon days. The waves are very high and rough, but from the next day onwards, the waves become calm, an indication that the pressure has also receded. No Sleep : Staunch Vaishnava devotees who observe Vaikunda Ekadasi fasting do not sleep. They send the whole night at Vishnu temple or by singing, prayers or listening stories dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Note : One should avoid consuming rice, grains, beans, cereals, certain vegetables and sices on the day. Foods allowed when artial fasting on Ekadasi includes fruits, milk, nuts and root vegetables.
The significance of 11th tithi fasting can be explained in 2 ways: 1) According to science, it takes about 3-4 days for the food that we eat today to reach our brain (for the brain to understand the food intake). Now, if we eat light/fast on 11th tithi days, that intake will reach the brain correspondingly on the New moon/full moon day.
2) Another explanation for 11th thiti fasting is that compared to any other day of the moon cycle, atmospheric pressure is lowest on 11th tithi days. Thus, this is the best time to fast and cleanse the bowel system. If we fast on any other day (except on Tuesday, Friday & Shasthi Tithi days), the high pressure/strain may damage our system.
ekadasi vrata samam vrata nasti jagattraye
anicchaya'pi yat krtva gatir evam vidha'vayoh
ekadasi vratam ye tu bhakti bhavena kurvate
na jane kim bhavet tesam vasudeva anukampaya
(Padma Purana)
In the three worlds, there is no kind of fasting which is even comparable to the Ekadasi fast. Even if one performs this fast without a proper attitude, he achieves the Supreme Abode. Anyone who fasts on Ekadasi day, with full devotion, what happens to him by the mercy of the Supreme Lord, I can not say (how much merit gets cannot be described).
Planets play the roles of God, Guru and Judge God - Sun (Surya) : God has been worshipped, because He is the life-giver, energy-provider, sustainer of all beings on the planet earth, remover of darkness of the soul and mind and provider of inner light and happiness. In Tantric Astrology Sun symbolizes God. The Sun-God, that pervades the whole Universe, is presented for us, the Earthlings, as the Sun-god that shines its benevolence upon us, by giving us days and nights, seasons, rain and shines and also the immense essential heat energy to make the life on Earth possible. An exalted Sun well placed in the horoscope with other favourable factors removes darkness.
Guru - Jupiter (Guru): The Guru is worshipped, as he provides us with the knowledge, wisdom to do good deeds and thus be closer to God. He is considered second only to God. He is the messenger between God and man. Jupiter is the great guru or the second Sun. The guru shows us the right path.
Judge - Saturn (Sani) : The Judge weighs our deeds and misdeeds, and gives judgment in accordance with our Karma. He is symbolized by the woman with a blindfold in her eyes and a balance in one hand and a sword in the other. If our good deeds outweigh our bad, the sword does not fall on us, but if bad deeds outweigh our good, then we are punished. Saturn is given this great distinction, because he carries out the law of Karma.
Significance of Saturn Transit
Saturn is the slowest moving planet. It takes 30 years for him to complete one cycle of his revolution through the 12 zodiacs. He spends roughly about 2 ½ years in each sign. Sani Peyarchi / Gochar (Saturn Transit) is happening on WednesdayOct 25, 2017 6:28 AM IST as perThiru Kanidha panchangam.Saturn will move from Scorpio Moon Sign (Viruchiga Rasi) to Sagittarius Moon Sign (Dhanushu Rashi) and stay there untilJan 23, 2020 9:24 AM IST as perThiru Kanidha panchangam.
Sani Peyarchi / Gochar (Saturn Transit) is happening on Wednesday Oct 25, 2017 12:54 PM IST as per Krishnamurti panchangam. Saturn will move from Scorpio Moon Sign (Viruchiga Rasi) to Sagittarius Moon Sign (Dhanushu Rashi) and stay there until Jan 23, 2020 2:09 PM IST as perKrishnamurti panchangam.
Sani Peyarchi / Gochar (Saturn Transit) is happening on Thursday Oct 26, 2017 3:24 PM IST as per Lahiri panchangam. Saturn will move from Scorpio Moon Sign (Viruchiga Rasi) to Sagittarius Moon Sign (Dhanushu Rashi) and stay there until Jan 24, 2020 9:52 AM IST as per Lahiri panchangam.
Sani Peyarchi / Gochar (Saturn Transit) is happening on Monday Dec 17, 2017 IST as per Vakya panchangam. Saturn will move from Scorpio Moon Sign (Viruchiga Rasi) to Sagittarius Moon Sign (Dhanushu Rashi) and stay there until Mar 28, 2020 IST as per Vakya panchangam.
There is no reason to fear Saturn and an average lethargic type may, of course, experience Saturn as a hard task-master. And for someone Saturn may feel demanding – and slow with its rewards. But there will be rewards, eventually. They may be slow in coming, because Saturn first wants to test you to be sure that you are in earnest, that you will not revert back to your old lazy tricks. You have to have deeper motives, a true desire to grow even when there are no carrots dangling in front of you. You have to show Saturn that you are doing something for doing’s sake, not because you are expecting Saturn to pat you on your back.
The predictions given below for each Rashi is general in nature. Do not be afraid if Saturn is adversely placed for your Rashi. Please check your Dasha & Bhukti currently operating and other planetary movements during the period. If the Dasha & Bhukti is good, many adverse predictions may not happen or will be mitigated. If you have further doubts please consult your family astrologer.
Saturn’s transit from Rasi or your Moon Sign for 2017 - 2020 :
Aries / Mesham : Transit of Saturn in the 9th house
Saturn in the ninth house mostly denotes distress. It will create many obstacles and cause loss of money and danger to father. Some of you are likely to go through a trying time in your profession. You may be transferred or may have to work extra hard. Be careful of enemies and employees who are likely to deceive you. Beware of anything that might defame you at work or in society. It might take longer than usual to gain any rewards. Finances also require proper handling. You are likely to indulge in wasteful expenditure during this period. You may get the opportunity to earn extra money but there will be a number of obstacles in the way of achieving it. Avoid any kind of litigation, criminal activities or immoral deeds. Some of you may face criminal proceedings. Health needs extra attention at this time. Mentally, you are likely to feel restless and distressed, mostly due to matters relating to your spouse and children. Saturn may also cause separation from life - partner and children and cause hatred, chest pain and imprisonment to those, whose major and sub periods are malefic in their natal charts. However Saturn will help you in taking correct decisions and cautious approach to problems.Your male children may develop serious health problems that could be life threatening.
Taurus - Rishabam : Transit of Saturn in the 8th house
The journey of Saturn into the eighth house from the birth rashi signifies a troubled time. This transit which is called Ashtama Sani will create family problems causing separation from wife and sons, loss of wealth and friends. During this period, most of you are likely to go through a rough phase at work, in business or in any field of activity. Most of you may even lose work due to a number of different reasons. You may be attracted to addictions, gambling or keeping bad company. Some may even be imprisoned as a result of keeping bad company. You may lose your name and fame in society. Some of you may think of renouncing the world. Travel is on the cards. Take care of your finances and curtail expenditure. Health could be a cause of concern. You are likely to develop serious ailments that may be life threatening. Your family demands your attention during this phase. Due to your planetary changes, they might also have to face troubled times. You may lose a family member or pet. Avoid any kind of arguments with those close to you, as you will tend to create new enemies within your family at this time.
Gemini - Mithunam : Transit of Saturn in the 7th house
Saturn in the seventh house of your Moon sign is said to be unfavourable, causing separation from life-partner, sons and relatives and causes suffering to life-mate. Almost all the aspects of your life will require extra focus. Your income may suffer and you may even lose some of your money due to treachery or deception. Avoid taking any kind of loan during this time, as it will take longer to pay off than you expect. Work will be hard. You will need to go that extra mile to experience success in your endeavours. Beware of being deceived if you are in any kind of partnership or joint business enterprise. Those employed should avoid doing anything that might cause them to lose their jobs. Students may find it difficult to concentrate on their studies. Some of you may go to a foreign land during this time. However, if possible, avoid going on trips, as they could be troublesome. You might lose your home and be forced to live elsewhere. All areas of personal and family health need attention. Some are likely to suffer from diseases related to the kidneys, sex organ and the urinary tract. Do not neglect any health complaints of your spouse or your children, as they may become life threatening later on. At home, you need to consciously maintain peace and harmony. Those who have lost a spouse may remarry during this time. Nurture your friendships, otherwise your closest friends may abandon you. It could be hard to maintain your mental balance during this time. Most of you are likely to develop feelings of severe anxiety and restlessness. It would be wise to avoid any kind of litigation. This may not be a good time to fight a court case or stand in an election.
Cancer - Kadakam : Transit of Saturn in the 6th house
Saturn in the sixth house mostly signifies monetary gain. This period is higly favourable bestowing allround happiness. You will settling all your outstanding bills, debts and dues. The flow of money will be smooth and generally more than you would expect. You may buy land or a house. Some of you may consider building a house on land you already own. This time will also see you winning over or defeating your enemies. Health is good and you will be at peace with yourself. Both professionally and socially, these are good times. Some of you may find older people exceptionally supportive. Friends will be helpful and more sympathetic than ever. This period is good for romance: married people will enjoy happy, sensuous relations with their spouses; lovers can look forward to many deeply emotional experiences. Those expecting a child may welcome a new member into the family. Your relatives will also be happy with you during this planetary period.
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Leo / Simmam : Transit of Saturn in the 5th house
The journey of Saturn into the fifth house from the Moon sign brings grief. This period sees you getting involved in unwise activities, serious quarrels and arguments with your relatives as well as with others. It produces quarrels. Mind will remain confused. Some of you are likely to get involved in litigation with your family, and you may find it difficult to get along with people of the opposite sex. Avoid reckless behaviour as this may cause loss of status in society. Exercise financial caution during this time. Work also needs proper handling. Be careful of losses in your profession and avoid new endeavours during this period, as you may not get the desired results. You may not be satisfied with investments in stocks and shares during this time. Pay proper attention to the health of all your family, including yourself. Do not ignore any of your children’s health complaints, as they may become life threatening later on. Also, your spouse may fall ill if health related issues are neglected. Most of you are likely to feel anxious and mentally unstable. If married, you may develop aversion towards your spouse. Maintaining happiness and comfort at home requires extra effort at this time. Students may lose interest in their studies.
Virgo / Kanni : Transit of Saturn in the 4th house
Saturn in the fourth house from your Moon sign brings an uneasy time. Apart from other aspects of life, your finances will require careful handling during this transit. Avoid wasting money. You may develop a lack of enthusiasm when it comes to your work or profession. You may even start disliking your job and may face the wrath of your boss or a higher authority. Some of you are likely to be transferred to another place of work during this period. Socially this may not be a good time for you. Make efforts to maintain popularity in your social circle. Avoid any activity that might cause you humiliation. Health matters require your focused attention. Some of you are likely to develop lethargy, stomach discomfort, flatulence and other minor ailments. You may also experience anguish, fear, mental confusion and anxiety during this time. Some of you may have bad thoughts or feel the urge to do sinful deeds. Avoid getting into any arguments with your enemies. You may be separated from your friends and supporters. At home, take care of your wife and children, as they may be susceptible to disease or other life threatening situations. There may be a death in the family. Avoid getting involved in any kind of unpleasant situation with your relatives and near and dear ones. This period may see you creating enemies within your immediate family or with relatives. Beware of hidden enemies during this time. On the other hand, some of you may expect childbirth in your family. Cancer: Cheers, finally your Sadesati is over and good times ahead!!
Thulam / Libra : Transit of Saturn in the 3rd house
Saturn’s journey through the third house is auspicious, especially relating to work and finances. Your Sade-Sati, the period of misery, grief, loss of money and honour has ended. You are likely to make money in more than one way. Success comes from new undertakings or enterprises. This is particularly good time to profit from activities relating to poultry farming or agriculture. You may also consider buying land or fixed property during this time. If you are unemployed, you may hear opportunity knocking at your door or get some lucrative job offers. Those employed may get a promotion, increase in authority, or a pay rise. Attention is given to your intelligence, ability and effort and you are likely to climb up the social ladder. There is a good chance of getting assistance with your work. You will succeed in any kind of discussions and be able to put your point across much more easily than before. You will feel a spring in your footstep denoting good health and vitality of spirit. Any previous ailments will vanish, bringing you comfort and happiness. Home life too will be nourishing and full of conjugal bliss. Your spouse will be doting and more loving than ever. Your siblings and children will treat you well and be very helpful. Your enemies will be defeated and good luck and fortune will bless you during this time. For some, travel may also be on the cards.
There are only two known Gods that have the power to avoid the negative effects brought by the planet Saturn: Lord Hanuman and Lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha is renowned for giving the wisdom and knowledge to overcome the test of Saturn, and in... particular the 7 1/2 years of Saturn called as Sade Sati. Worship Lord Ganesha or Hanuman every Thursday by fasting / vegetarian and visit their temple.
Hmmm/Om Gam Ganapathiye Namaha
Hmmm/Om Anjanaye Namaha
Scorpio - Vrichukam : Transit of Saturn in the 2nd house – the peak of Sadesati!!
Saturn in the second house from your Moon sign generally denotes a difficult time. It may cause loss of comfot, beauty and wealth. You are advised to keep your tongue under control. Loose talk will lead to quarrels and litigation. Objectives may be hard to achieve or may not produce the desired results. Proceed cautiously at work, as this may not be a favourable time for you. Financially, this is not a good period. Limit your expenses as much as possible. Income may come from several sources, but you may find it hard to hang on to. Avoid disputes relating to property owned by your parents as this may cause unhappiness or damage to your pride. During this time, you may get involved in unnecessary quarrels and may create new enemies, sometimes within your own family. Be careful of harming others and beware of criminal tendencies. Avoid troubling your spouse with trivial issues. Take care of your children as they might also be at risk. Protect your health as you may lose your vitality and feel lacklustre and weak. Even a little hard work may tire you. Pay attention your appearance as this may also suffer. Travel to a foreign land is possible during this time or you may move around without purpose.
Sagittarius - Dhanusu : Transit of Saturn in the 1st house
Saturn in the first house from your birth Rashi signifies a trying time. You will be emotionally and physically disturbed. Finances may be at an all time low, so avoid wasteful expenditure and taking on unnecessary loans. On a personal level, you may feel pessimistic and appear unpleasant to others. Objectives may be hard to achieve. For some, there is the possibility of spending time in jail. Pay particular attention to your health during this time. Although no serious diseases are indicated, you may be at risk from injury by weapons, poisons or fire, and subject to general physical pain and fatigue. More specifically, you may experience pain in the head and feel totally drained of energy and enthusiasm. You may also suffer from considerable worry and anxiety. Your spouse will also be susceptible to physical pain or discomfort. Avoid any situations that could threaten your honour, as this may come under attack. Travelling is on the cards for most of you. You may have to travel to a distant land or be transferred to a foreign country. However, being apart from your friends and family and your home may not be a pleasant experience. Maintain peace and tranquillity at home. You may quarrel with your siblings and their spouses. Avoid any unpleasantness with your wife and children and protect them from harmful influences. You may have to perform funeral rights for someone close. Be careful of being deceived unexpectedly. Be especially attentive to your friends as a valuable friendship may suffer during this time. Avoid falling prey to vices.
Capricorn / Makaram : your Sadesati has started!! Transit of Saturn in the 12th house
Saturn in the twelfth house signifies a lack of money or a decline on the financial front. It is the begining of Sade-Sati period. Generally causes much grief. At this time you are susceptible to unnecessary expenses and financial waste. If you are involved in agriculture or agricultural products, you should be extra careful to avoid losses of any kind. Enemies may also cause you to suffer financial losses. Stock up on food and resources as you may need to pass through a hard time. Health requires attention. Do not neglect any bodily complaint as it might turn out to be life threatening. The health of spouse and your children will require much attention, as they are also susceptible to serious ailments. Your feet and eyes require more care than usual. Work will require your attention. Take care to maintain your respect at work. Some of you may find it difficult to keep up your good name and position in the work place. You may have to make changes in your profession or business. Travel is on the cards. Most of you are likely to travel to a foreign land and may have to stay away from your family. However, any kind of journey may prove to be a costly affair. You need to maintain peace at home as you are likely to get involved in family arguments. Some of you are likely to develop feelings of deep anguish, lacklustre and may lose enthusiasm for life. This is the time to be extra careful while making serious decisions. Most of you are likely to over rule your intellect at this time. Do not do anything that might affect your reputation.
Aquarius - Kumbham : Transit of Saturn in the 11th house
Saturn in the eleventh house from your Moon sign brings in good times. Will exert positive influence on all fronts and bestow all kinds of hapiness, wealth and wealth and honour. You will also be in a position to enjoy the company of women. It will will remove stree and strain. Financially this is a very good time for you. You are likely to make unexpected profit during this period of time from whatever business or profession you are in. This financial boon will bring happiness and many opportunities for further gain. You are also likely to acquire significant property during this time. Endeavours of any kind will succeed and give the desired results. Those in businesses relating to building materials, coal, leather etc. may look forward to even greater profits. If employed, you are very likely to be promoted to a position of higher authority. This is also an auspicious time to pursue higher study. You are likely to be more aggressive in your approach to your activity. Socially, you find contentment. Your respect, status and honour in the society are likely to be elevated. Some of you may be honoured with a prestigious or unique award. For those wishing it, marriage is on the cards at this time. If single, you will experience pleasant relationships with the opposite sex. Your friends will be helpful towards you and you are likely to make new ones as well. Your employees and helpers will be positive in their behaviour towards you. Your spouse and children will be a source of happiness. You will also acquire objects that your family desires. Health will be fine.
Pisces - Meenam : Transit of Saturn in the 10th house
Saturn in the tenth house of your Zodiac signifies suffering and mental distress. You may face difficulties related to work and other aspects of your life. Traders and businessmen may suffer losses. If you deal in agriculture, take extra care to avoid any losses at this time. Some of you are likely to consider a change of profession or field of work. If you find a new job, you may find it difficult to carry out. A mutual feeling of aversion may crop up between you and your employer. Beware of hidden enemies. Your expenditure is likely to be higher than your income, which may cause poverty for you. However, you should avoid taking loans. Health needs attention. Take proper care of your knees and chest at this time. Your parents might fall sick with possible life-threatening illnesses. At home you may develop some mental friction and animosity with your spouse. Travel is also on the cards. Some of you may feel an urge to indulge in sinful activities. Maintain your respect and honour in the society.
Note - The above results are general and they should be carefully applied to individual horoscopes in the light of directional influences ( Dasa ). For example, if there are no powerful yogas in the radical chart , reputation wealth & fame denoted by a transit will have a very limited scope for expression.
Lord Sani
According to Hindu mythology Shani (Saturn) is the son of Surya the Sun God and grand son of Sage Kashyapa and Aditi. A Demi God, Shani was born to Lord Sun and Chaaya (illusory wife). Lord Yama (Yama-Dharmaraja) and Goddess Yamuna (River Goddess) are His siblings born to Surya and His wife Sanjna Devi. Tapathi (River Goddess) is his sister.
Lord Shani is worshipped and adored in Hindu religion, by people from all walks of life and has also become a point of contention for their grief and suffering. More than anything else we find millions of people visiting Navagraha temples, rather out of scare, performing austerities to appease Lord Shani. He is considered as a personification of restrictions, adversities and limitations. Regarded as the most dreaded planet for obstruction, distress and calamity, people believe that if there is one, planet who can make a king out of a pauper and vice versa, it is Shani. He is more misunderstood and also more confusing entity in our mundane existence.
When we look at the celestial role of Lord Shani, He is a Dandanaadhikari with a task of dispensation of justice according to one’s Karma phala and punishing the evil doers. It is more or less like a Home portfolio and Lord Shani is absolutely unbiased in this regard. Perhaps, Lord Shani is the best teacher in life. There is an ancient maxim "Dandam Dasa Gunam Bhaveth". When all the methods of mending a person are exhausted like Sama, Dana, Bedha, and the person doesn't heed and keeps on doing evils, as a last resort the Nature takes its own course and invokes the Dandam (Stick) in the form of Lord Shani (Saturn). No doubt, He is a task master. He is an agent of Karma and an administrator of Karmic law. He is only discharging the role given to him. The best way to get discharged from Karma is to encounter it and Lord Shani is the best agent to help us in this regard. Saturn reminds that in the Universal Karmic law everyone has to pay for their misdeeds.
Saturn rules over food grains, agriculture, engineering, metals (iron), mines (coal), blue/black colour, hills, forests, valleys, sesame seeds, Shami tree, Sisira Ruthu, Vaata tattva (windy in nature), physical disability, knees, ankles, thighs and muscles etc. Saturn will be strong during night time, Dakshinayana, and Krishna paksha (dark half) of the month and on Saturday. His direction is towards west. Above list is only indicative but not exhaustive.
Tantric way to appease this planets for their blessing
Saturn - Learn to be humble, work hard and serve others as a duty, without expecting nothing in return. Practice concentration, austerities, fasting and seclusion for spiritual strengthening. Serve the sick, afflicted and poor people. Visit to your favourite temple every week and spend at least 1 hour in the temple.
Chant Hmmm Saniswaraya Pothri / Shram for 108 times every Saturday to connect Lord Saniswaran and receive His Blessing
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Saturn Temples in Tamil Nadu :
Thirunallaru :
In several parts of India, there are clusters of nine temples / shrines dedicated to the Navagrahas. One such cluster is located near the town Kumbakonam, in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Lord Sani’s shrine in this cluster is located at Thirunallaru. It is a temple dedicated to Lord Darbaranyesvara, a form of Lord Shiva, in which Lord Sani is located in a niche in a wall. At this temple, Lord Sani is considered to be of benevolent nature. Nala Tirtha is the sacred tank, by the side of the temple, bathing in which it removes the afflictions of Saturn. Those under the influence of the 3rd part of Sadesati get good relief here.
Kuchanoor : A holy Saturn temple is at Kuchanoor, 20 km from Theni, near Madurai. The Lord is seen in Swayambhu (selfappeared) form, the name of the town (Kubjanoor) being derived from Kubjan, one of Sani’s names. Here, one will be relieved positively from the evil effects of the first part of 2 ½ years of Sade-sati. Bathing in the holy waters of river Surabi is said to redeem one from the clutches of Saturn.
Thirukollikadu : A sacred temple of Saturn is located 9 Kms from Kachanam, in Tiruvarur- Tiruthuraipoondi road. Hre people who are under the influence of the 2nd part of Sadesati get relief, by worshipping Lord Saturn. The idol carries a plough, the symbol of creation in his hand.
Navapashanam (Devipattinam) : 70 Kms away from Rameswaram, navagrahas are installed in the seawater as upright stones, by Lord Rama Himself, before embarking on his journey to Lanka. Lord Shiva here is known as Thilakeswarar and is worshipped with gingely seeds. At the time of Sunrise, one has to offer prayers and ‘tharpan rituals’ to the deceased ancestors.
Pozhichaloor : 12 Kms from Chennai, there is a small shrine for Lord Saturn in Agastheeswarar temple. It is said that, here, Lord Saturn himself was relieved from the pain caused by his sin of making others suffer. Lord Saturn in good temper here blesses all the devotees!
Thiruppugalur : Near Nagappatinam, within a huge temple of Lord Shiva, special worship is offered to Lord Saturn. Idol of King Nala is found by the side of Lord Saturn here. Devotees are generally advised to worshipat this place first and then proceed to Thirunallaru. King Nala suffered a lot due to Sadesati and got rid of Saturn’saffliction, after worshipping in these two places.
While worshipping in all the Saturn shrines, please do remember to help the handicapped as much as you can. Also donate food and black clothes to the needy.
According to Siddhas (South Indian Mystics) another main reason for all of our everyday problems besides planets is the departed spirits of our ancestors. Our role is that we should constantly connect to the departed ancestors to live a peaceful life.
Our departed forefathers / ancestors cannot come to this world whenever they think, except on Amavasai ( New Moon ), the starting day of every month and during Malaya Paksha. So they all come in sookshma (means not visible to naked eyes) dehas and if we offer them the sesame (gingili) and water they accept that, and bless us directly.
Only once in a year a great celebration takes place in the Pitra loka (ancestral world) and only for 2 weeks. It is called the “Mahalaya Amavasai/ Fortnight”. This year it commences on the 17th of September 2016, right after the full moon day and ends on the Mahalaya New Moon day, which is on the 30th of September 2016. This two week’s period is the most important period to appreciate your departed ancestors.
Your ancestors exist in another dimension called Pitru lokam (world of ancestors), and for them to move on to a better plane they need your help. Departed spirits look to their living descendants for offerings especially on Amavasai (New Moon) days
A Special Time for the Ancestors
The Siddhas says, important rites for the ancestors should be performed through out the year. These should occur on the anniversary of the day of death, during new moon (Amavasai), period of mahalaya paksha and other special days for tarpanam ritual (96 days).
Mahalaya paksha is considered the most auspicious time for ancestors ritual.
Our ancient Siddhas understood that honoring ancestors through tarpanam ritual keeps us living with good health, wealth, prosperity and enlightenment.
Offerings made during mahalaya paksha are said to reach the ancestors directly due to a special boon granted to humanity by Lord Yama, the cosmic purveyor of death. The origin of mahalaya paksha can traced back to the story of Karna, the renowned hero of the Mahabharata who, when he ascended to the celestial world after death, was rewarded with gold and silver for his many charitable deeds performed on earth, but was not offered food. Much to his embarassment, he was made to understand that, while on Earth, he had not performed any offerings of food to anyone. Dismayed by this revelation, he prayed to Lord Yama that he might return to Earth to recompense for this neglect.
Lord Yama did indeed allow him to return to Earth, but only for fourteen days. During that short period, which has come to be known as mahalaya paksha, Karna nourished the brahmins and the poor with a great abundance of food. As a result of this penance, Lord Yama granted certain boons to all humanity. By Yama's decree, all souls who encountered a premature or unnatural death would benefit from all mahalaya paksha rites.
To attain incredible blessings you can perform Tarpanam (offerings) in Sivan temples or at home by yourself during any of these fourteen days, depending on the area that you perceive is the weakest for you. For instance, if your finances are not in good shape, then performing Tarpan on the first day of the Mahalaya Fortnight will bring you special blessings. For the best results, you could perform Tarpanam on all the 14 days, to ensure that you get a facelift to all the aspects of your life! You can also throughout the 14 days of the Mahalaya Paksha, give food, clothes, shoes, sandals and to the poor and the disadvantaged. Fasting during the new moon day also will alert your consciousness to be in communion with their spirits.
For peaceful and successful life your departed ancestors must be worshipped and remembered by performing Pitru Puja or honouring of the past souls during the time of Pitru paksha ( much like the Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival and American Halloween Festival )
(to perform the daily and monthly secret tantric tarpanam ritual by yourself you can learn in our Tantric Astrology Consultation - for appointment call 012-910 7301)
Significance of the 15 day ritual:
The Maha Ancestral ritual spans for 15 days starting from the 1st Moon day till the New Moon day, and each day is ruled by a particular Thithi/ Moon Phase.
Moon Phase or Thithi
Benefits of Specific Moon Phase Tarpanams
1st Moon - Attain Wealth
2nd Moon - Get blessed with progeny
3rd Moon - Bestow with Business prosperity
4th Moon - Overpower your enemies
5th Moon - Bestow with all prosperity
6th Moon - Get Fame
7th Moon - Bestow with divine strength
8th Moon - Bestow with Intelligence
9th Moon - Gain from women
10th Moon - Bestow with Success in all undertakings
11th Moon - Attain prosperity for children and get blessed with intelligent children
12th Moon - Get blessed with more progeny and gain through education too
13th and 14th Moon - Get blessed with many vehicles and render Peace and longevity 15th New Moon day - If you miss any of the above days, New Moon day is the only solution and mandatory too. Get benefitted by performing Tarpan for those who died due to weapons or accidents! We pray to the known and unknown souls that have departed during the last 30 years are treated equal to God!
Tharpanam is done only for departed beings, that is, those who have passed on. Tharpanam is not done for those who are alive.
If you don't know the name of an ancestor, that is fine. Just state the relationship alone and offer tharpanam for that ancestor.
Can one do tharpanam for more than 12 departed ancestors?
The answer is yes. But that is a more advanced procedure.
When to do Tharpanam?
Tharpanam should be done at sunrise. There is a tradition that says that tharpanam should be done at noon. If this is your tradition, please do follow that.
Where to do Tharpanam?
You can do tharpanam right in the comfort of your home.
But it is that much more effective to do it in temples and on the banks of sacred rivers.
If you can do tharpanam in the Pitru Moksha temples and sacred spots, that would be the best.(Rameswaram Temple is one of the most powerful spot for tarpanam ritual)
If your ancestors are not resting peacefully, then they can cause much disruption and hardship in your life.
(to perform the daily and monthly secret tantric tarpanam ritual by yourself you can learn in our Tantric Astrology Consultation - for appointment call 012-910 7301) click below http://www.iksacademy.com/about-tantric-astrology.html
Can the son do tharpanam if the father is alive?
The most serious misconception regarding tharpanam is the idea that if the father is alive, the son should not do tharpanam. The son has a pitru debt just as the father does. So it is important to shed this misconception rightaway. The father can do pitru tharpanam and so can the son and the son's son. In fact, if all three do it together, the pitrus will be very pleased!
Can women do tharpanam?
Women can do pitru tharpanam just as well as men. Think of this key point: If there are no sons in a family, does that mean the ancestors should be starved of tharpanam? The answer is NO. The daughters can certainly do tharpanam.Preferably women should use white sesame seeds in their tharpanam.
Tantric Astrology
1. Pithru Tharpanamis done only for departed beings, that is, those who are dead. Pithru Tharpanam
is not done for those who are alive.
2. If you don't know the name of an ancestor, that is fine. Just state the relationship alone and offer
Tharpanam for that ancestor.
3. If you know the gotra lineage of a person, say it just before you mention the relationship,
e.g., Sri Vatsa Gothra great grandfather Muruga or Vadhoola Gothra friend Suresh in the examples
above. If you do not know the gothra of the person or you do not know what gothra is,
just ignore this step.
4. For those who wear the sacred thread, change it to your right shoulder at the beginning of the
PithruTharpanam ceremony and back to the left shoulder at the end of the ceremony. There are
special mantras for this step. If you don't wear the sacred thread, ignore this step.
5. Can also do Pitra Tharpanam for more than 12 departed ancestors.
6. There are special mantras for each specific ancestor. These special mantras will have their special
effect for sure.
7. The Pithru Tharpanam has to be done at the Sunrise; some people follow the procedure of doing
this around noon.
8. The Pitra Tharpanams could be done in the comfort of your house. It is very wonderful to do in the designated temples or on the banks of sacred rivers. It gives very good results, if it is done atPithru Moksha temples or sacred spots.
9. Pithru Tharpanam or Pitra Tharpanam can be performed by the following peoples. Elder Son/ other Son/ Wife/ Daughter/ Second wife/ Son or daughter of the Second wife/ Son or boy born out of
Do's and Dont's while doing Pithru Tharpanam:
1. Never do this Pithru Tharpanam without taking head bath and your body & mind should be clean and calm.
2. Must do this Pithru Tharpanam on empty stomach (no coffee/water too)
3. Never eat Non Vegetarian foods on the day that you do this ritual.
4. It is highly sinful to offer Non Vegetarian foods / alcohol to the departed souls.
5. It is highly damaging to mix sesame seeds with any non vegetarian foods.
6. Should not take bath (for the whole day) after completing Pithru Tharpanam / Pujas.
7. It is always good to offer foods to those who are in really need of it.
8. Never do Pithru Tharpanam on your Janma Nakshatras.
9. It is good to visit temples after completing the Pithru Tharpanam.
The Process of Rebirth and The Cycle of Birth and Death The ancestors must always be worshipped first…Hell and Heaven is right here among the species…we all must account for our actions-if you bark at people you will become a dog in the next life or gossip a lot will become a frog…when these ancestors are caught up in the lower levels of life then the cycle of birth and death ceased, and women in the family are unable to give birth to babies…causing extinction of the family.
To perform advance rituals by yourself to get your ancestors blessing for successful and peacefull life you can learn the secret techniques in our Tantric Astrology Consultation - for appointment call 012-910 7301
May Your Ancestors Bless You with Good Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Enlightenment
Puratassi is one of the month like Aadi, while Aadi month is for Amman and Puratassi month is for Vishnu. It starts in mid September and ends in mid October. Purattasi masam 2017 starts on Sunday, September 17 and ends on October 16 as per traditional Tamil calendar. Purattasi Sani, Saturdays in Puratassi month, are most auspicious days during which Puratassi Sani fasting is observed.
Every year during Puratassi month our Earth plane will be closer and exposed to Lord Vishnu's cosmic vibration since our Sun will be in Kanni / Virgo house during this period ( Vishnu is the Lord of the House Kanni in astrology ). If you want to access to these energies then you need to tune your frequency to match His vibration. How to tune in to His vibration ? You just need to close your eyes and put your right palm on your heart and recite Hmmm/Om Namo Narayanaya Namaha for 18 / 36 / 54 / 108 times after cold bath before Sun rise and by observing normal / vege fasting especially on Saturdays. Fasting will enable to open your energy passages on your body so that the energies that bombarding on Earth plane can enter our body and energize us both spiritually and physically. Mantras can create frequency and frequency will create wave length to connect celestial planes. You may also can planting thulasi plants around your house as many as you can and create a relationship with this plant by touching and watering them every day. Thulasi plants is like an antenna directly connecting to Lord Vishnu's world. By accessing to His energy during Puratassi month one can be healthy, weathy and enjoy all worldly pleasures in life.
Om/Hmmm Namo Narayanaya Namaha/Pothri
Puratassi Vratham/Fasting
Puratassi vratham is observed by Devotees of Lord Vishnu. Some people observe partial fasting on all days in Puratassi others limit it to Puratassi Saturdays. A few observe strict fast on Saturdays which involves not even drinking a drop of water is called Nirjala Vratham. Some devotees only eat vegetarian food during the entire month.
Note : If one decide to worship Vishnu then he should quit smoking
Donate Food in Plenty for Needy People during Mahalaya from 6th Sept - 20th September2017 and Receive Immeasurable Blessings from Your Departed Ancestors
The fifteen days after the Full Moon (Krishna Paksha) in the lunar month Purattasi (Mid September - Mid Oktober) is known as Mahalaya Paksha. All our departed ancestors come and stay on the earth plane for 15 days in a year and annual rites for the deceased is performed during these days, either on the Tithi (day corresponding to the death) of the parents or on the Mahalaya Amavasai day (New Moon Day),. This practice is prevalent among all Hindus, all over the world.
Do you know even Lord Shiva Himself is doing Tharpanam rites for His devotee King Vallala till now ? There once lived a King, Vallala Maharaja, who was deeply devoted to Lord Arunachaleswara and renovated and built a huge tower in Arunachaleswarar Temple called Vallala Maharaja Gopuram. As the King was heirless he prayed to Lord Shiva for a son. The Lord said that He (the Lord) would Himself be his son. True to His word, the Lord performed the death rites for this King as one of the duties of a son is to perform annual Tharpanam rites for the deceased father. Even today after 600 years, on every Masi Magham (the Tamil month Masi when the star Magham is on the ascent) the anniversary of the day of the death of the King, the Lord (i.e. Lord Arunachaleswarar Temple) performs the annual Tharpanam rites for the King! When Lord Shiva Himself giving importance and doing Tharpanam rites till now, why must we ignore this duty to our departed ancestors... ~ Vijayakumar Alagappan www.iksacademy.com
It is generally believed that performing rituals for departed ancestors during this period, can even subtitute the annual ritual performance, on exact death day. During this forthnight, no auspicious function should be performed, since pitrus are invoked during this time.
Benefits of Specific Moon Phase Tarpanams : 1st Moon - Bestows
Wealth 2nd Moon - Bestows Progeny 3rd Moon - Bestows Business Prosperity 4th Moon - Overpowering
enemies 5th Moon - Bestows
All Prosperity 6th Moon - Bestows Fame 7th Moon - Bestows Divine Strength 8th Moon - Bestows Intelligence 9th Moon - Gains from
Women 10th Moon - Bestows Success in Undertakings 11th Moon - Prosperity of Children and Intelligence to your
Children 12th Moon - For Progeny and Gains through Education 13th and 14th Moon - Blessed with many Vehicles and Renders
Peace and Longevity
Ammavasai / New Moon - If you miss any of the above days, New Moon is
Even great Siddhas like Agastiyar, Maha Rishis like Vasisthar, Avatars like Krishna and Rama, when they lived on the earth plane appreciated their ancestors through rituals called Tarpanam. May Your Departed Ancestors Bless You and Your Family