Monday, October 24, 2016

IKS Spiritual Retreat to Remove Guru Curse & Reactivate Guru Chakra

Guru Chakra Activation Spitlritual Retreat - June 2017 

The scripture says that Mantra is born of Guru, Gods and Goddesses of Mantra, so that the Guru is in the position of Father’s father to all Gods and Goddesses. So if you want the blessings of your Ishta deivam or even Kuladeivam for health, wealth, peace and prosperity then you should access your Guru's blessing first. But unfortunately many people bark up the wrong tree to succeed in life since they dont know their personalized Guru and how to find. Do you know that you cant find your Guru by yourself since you are in ignorance/sleeping state but only enlightened/awaken Guru can find you and choose to enlighten you. You are in the sleeping state when you are in ignorance, then how you can find? the most you can do only dream about guru when you are in sleeping state but cant find guru. There is one easiest way to connect guru according to Siddha teaching which is guru chakra temples.

We have a great news for IKS students and followers. IKS Academy will organize another great spiritual retreat to South India to re-connect with your Guru, Para Guru, Parat Param Guru, Athma Guru and other higher Gurus by visiting guru chakra invocation temples which is only known to Siddha lineage and should always kept in secret. We will be going to nine great temples where the significant of the temples only known to Siddha masters and their students.

Highlights of the spiritual retreat :

- Three most important Shiva temple to visit to melt your guru's curse and to reconnect your guru and we will be going there to activate our chakra which is related to guru.
- Vishnu temple to give knowledge, peace of mind through guru chakra and create secret path to moksha
- Universal Goddess temple to activate 3rd eye who is the direct disciple of God himself. Millions of Siddhas and Rishis were absorbed in Her body to give blessings and to disclose the secret wisdom of Universes
- Most important Kalabairava temple to initiate Guru consciousness
- Murugan temple to access Guru's domain
- Pradosham homam, abishegam and ritual at one of the most important Karma removal temple
- Annadhanam and Girivalam in Thiruvanamalai in Pournami window time
- Thirumoolar Siddhar Temple for moksha
- Nandikeswarar Siddhar Temple for peace through kill ego and attachment
- Agasthiar Siddhar Temple for wealth

and other temples...

Microcosm and Macrocosm are always in same order : In astrology Guru is known as Planet Jupiter and said Guru parvai kodi punyam( darshan of Guru can difuse any dosham/obstacles). Jupiter is a huge planet and has more mass than all the other planets combined. Jupiter is the primary cause for the entire Solar System to orbit the Barycenter. The Sun and all the planets actually orbit a central point of mass for the entire Solar System, known as the Barycenter.
Like wise in our life Guru is the centre of our life essentially but due to ignorance and ego we dont know the actual importance of Guru.

Siddha masters says human birth are the rarest birth which can be only attain after taking countless other lower births and accumulating mountain like merits in those lower births, but if you cant find your guru in this most precious human birth then this birth will be a waste.

There are no different between Guru, Mantras, Gods and goddesses. Guru is father, mother and Brahman. Guru, it is said, can save from the wrath of Lord Shiva, but in no way, can one be saved from the wrath of the Guru. 

Hmmm Guruve Pothri ...

Trip details : Date: 1st June 2017 to 10 June 2017 during school holidays

Trip Payment : Pay deposit RM500 to book your seat as soon as possible since limited for 30 pax only. For those who are coming for the 1st time with us have to check whether you got destiny to participate this trip or not by sending your date, time and place of birth. Confirmation of seat is on first come first serve basis and through deposit of Rm 500 only.

NOTE: Strictly serious spiritual seekers only are welcome.

IKS Academy always brings us to sacred temples in South India which were built according to tantric science, where karma can be erased and destinies can be changed forever. This advance spiritual retreat will be guided by Vijayakumar Alagappan physically and spiritually according to Siddha master’s tantric teachings.

IKS Academy Team

For further details on the trip cost and method of payment call : 013 350 5903 / 012 9107301



Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Kundalini Awakening : Uncoiling the Serpent

In Siddha tradition, kundalini is conceived of as the primal power or energy. The awakening of kundalini is the prime purpose of human incarnation. Most commonly, kundalini is illustrated as a sleeping snake coiled three and a half times. Kundalini resides in mooladhara in the form of a coiled snake and when the snake awakens it uncoils and shoots up through sushumna (the psychic passage in the centre of the spinal cord).

With the awakening of kundalini, a transformation takes place in life. When kundalini wakes up, your mind changes and your priorities and attachments also change. There is even the possibility of restructuring the entire physical body.
When kundalini awakens, the shaktis wakes up, the cells in the body are completely charged and a process of rejuvenation also starts. The voice changes, the smell of body changes and the hormonal secretion also change.
Once you can tame the uncoiled serpent, every cell of the body is charged with high voltage prana of kundalini. Now you are compensating for the laws of nature and speeding up the pace of your physical, mental and spiritual evolution.

In every human being there is a divine energy called the kundalini.

What will happen when your Kundalini is awakened? You will feel:
  • Ecstasy and bliss
  • Heightened awareness
  • Oneness with universal consciousness
  • Knowledge of self and all there is
  • Feeling of effortlessness
  • Greater sensitivity to your environment
  • Superhuman strength and abilities
  • Psychic abilities
  • Charisma and leadership
  • Profound peace
  • Enhanced sensory perception
Anyone can awaken their Kundalini energy. However, Kundalini meditation is best practiced under the guidance of a spiritual teacher who can activate and teach the individual to control the energy (taming the serpent). Kundalini energy must be awakened slowly. Energy can have positive or negative consequences, which is why this type of meditation is best done under strict guidance.

Kundalini Activation / Initiation - Dikshai

In siddha tradition Guru is one who has traveled path of Siddha yoga and further he has been bestowed the authority and ability to awaken the kundalini of other beings by dikshai. Siddha Guru primarily can initiates you in three ways, through a look (nyana dikshai), through a word(mantra) or through touch.

There are primarily two ways one can awaken their kundaini :
1. Spiritiual practice or
2. Spiritual transfer of energy (Energy infusion by the Guru)

One can meditate long, hard hours, months and years trying to reach deeper levels "within" and do hatha to awaken the kundalini or one can find a Siddha tradition guru who can do Spiritual transfer of energy (kundalini awakening).

Once kundalini is awakened the seeker is expected to do consistent efforts to derive the basic benefits of the siddha yoga like self realization.

Dikshai is the most effortless and blissful way to raise our spiritual frequency. A moment’s dikshai received in a mode of intense surrender can bring about more irreversible transformation in your life than years of meditation and spiritual practice.

The Importance of Guru in Kundalini Activation

The importance of a Guru cannot be overemphasized on the spiritual journey. First, because it is extremely rare for an aspirant to be able to awaken kundalini on their own (self-awakening), and second, because after the kundalini awakening, various cleansing processes occur (kriyas and divine experiences) where the moderation of the kundalini effect by the Guru is very important. In absence of a Guru, the awakening of kundalini and the kriya events can be dramatica and sometimes damaging in cases  where the recipients spiritual (or  physical) body is not effectively ready for the stage.

Do not believe in self-proclaimed Gurus that claim to awaken kundalini of others at price or the kundalini masters that offer paid shakti dikshai awakenings and enlightenment in days. In Siddha tradition kundalini initiation will be done without taking payments. One can only allowed to do service for the Guru in return not payment.

Knowing The Secrets of Your Birth - Tantric Astrology

None of us begins life knowing who we are or why we're the way we are. We have to search deeply for that knowledge.


These are not ordinary questions, and they are not answered by finding the right book or articles on websites. These are cries from the depth of your being, calling you to discover your true self, who longs to be embraced without hesitation or fear. Tantric Astrology reading hold the imprint of that true self. Don waste your time underestimating yourself. Use your spirit's infinite intelligence to express the true reason you were born.

Tantra ( Tantric )
The word "tantra" is derived from the combination of two words "tatva" and "mantra". "Tatva" means the science of cosmic principles, while "mantra" refers to the science of mystic sound vibrations. Tantra therefore is the application of cosmic sciences with a view to attain spiritual ascendancy. In another sense, tantra also means the scripture by which the light of knowledge is spread. The main deities worshipped are Shiva and Shakti. The most vigorous aspects of ancient wisdom tradition evolved as an esoteric system of knowledge are in the Tantras.

Astrology, primarily known as a branch of study of the mechanics of the movement patterns and designs of the celestial bodies and especially the composition and contents of the Cosmos, in the ancient times, has later developed into a very popular branch of a serious study of the influence of these celestial bodies on the earth, its inhabitants and evironments.

Tantric Astrology
Tantric Astrology ( Tantriga Jyotidam ) is an esoteric science practice by very few masters in India is a system designed by ancient Indian mystics.Tantric Astrology Reading hold the secrets of your birth. It can Unlock The Secrets to Your Soul, Discover Who You Are, Why You Are Here And Why You are Facing Obstacles in Your Life? The Tantric Astrology Reading can Help Us in Our Well Being as Well as Help Us Achieve Our Full Potential. It Helps You Gain An Insight Into All of Creation. It Reconnects You Back To Source / God / Creator . ... GET A READING DONE NOW !

Here are the main topics covered during the consultation:

- Ways to Attract Planets Positive Energy
The planets are not just physical masses of matter floating on the space. They are tremendously powerful astral energies or psychic forces, which affect us in our astral body, the subtle energy and psychic field surrounding and inter-penetrating our physical body.-

-Ways to Attain departed Ancestor's blessings
At the deeper methaphysical level, there are only two reasons for all of our problem:
~ 1st is Planetary influences
~ 2nd is Departed spirits influences
The yogis and siddhas of India paid equal attention to the bodily existence, while one is alive and also the disembodied existence after one dies. Accordiing to them our dead ancestors are also governing our destiny besides the planets. There are few solutions to overcome problems in our life, be it financial, relationship, health and etc. One of the most important solutions is by practicing rituals for our ancestors. Miracles take place after the rituals are done. Therefore, through this system you will learn the secrets how to appease your dead ancestors to get their blessings for greater health, wealth, prosperity and enlightenment.

Astrology is not a final prediction, astrology only shows the potentials and the energies that influence. Knowing these energies is help full if you want to know the self and be part of the 5% humanity who make it happen materially or spiritually !

-Secret Method of Karma Removal
The ultimate purpose of our human life is God realization. Siddha's principle tell you that you can get to your life purpose only when your karma has been wiped clean. When that happens an intense flowering happens, and both the material and spiritual worlds open up for you. You have a choice then on the abundance that you are presented with.Whether you take the spiritual or material route, one thing is certain: you have to completely eliminate your karma to even to get there.

-Sound Wave of your name can balance your energy
In the Ramayana, after redeeming Sita from Ravana, Rama was returning in the "Pushpa Vimana" with her, Lakshmana and Hanuman. Sita asked Rama that she wanted to see the stones which had bridged the sea to Lanka. She had heard that they had floated as the Vanaras had chanted Rama's name.

Immediately, the "Pushpa Vimana" was put down in that place. Rama picked up a rock and threw it into the sea. But rock which had floated when the Vanaras had chanted Rama's name, now sank even though it was thrown by Rama himself this time. Everyone was surprised. Hanuman explained that they had written Rama's name 'Sri Ram' on the stones before throwing. That was only they had floated. If Rama were to do the same, he could made them float too. It happened as he had said it would.

All can be changed with sound. All the world is made of sound (Nada Brahmam). The Most important sound in your life is your name. In this reading you will be also given a personalised mantra that is constructed using your own name and predominant chakra. Your name is by itself a mantra and your destiny is coupled to it. What a coincidence, it is not by accidents that your parents named you as they did.

You are the giant magnet that can attract positive and negative energy. Regular chanting of thesemantrawould energize your body with positive energy and turn your auric field into negative energy so that your auric field will work as a shield of your body to attract positive things and repel negative things in your daily life. This technique is the greatest secret gift given by our mystics to us for a successfull life with greater health, wealth, prosperity and enlightenment

other important topics :
- Pre-dominant chakras
- Education / career / business path
- Qualities, talents and capabilities of the individual
- Soul's mission in this life
- Spiritual secrets
- Potential illness and appropriate remedies
- Natural diet and yoga exercises suitable for the individual
- What you owe to society in your previous life and ways to pay the dues.
- Secret Mantras and rituals to remove bad karmas from millions of your previous births
- Secret Tantric Ritual to appease your dead ancestor`s for greater health, wealth, prosperity & enlightenment
- Secret science of the Planets and way to get their blessing
and many more......

- 120 to 180 minutes per session ( in Tamil / English )
- place @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- only 1 or 2 consultations are scheduled on each day
- price p/consultation :- RM 240 for Malaysia & USD 150 for overseas

NOTE: Only serious knowledge seekers are welcome

Astrology, Worship and Remedies
The purpose of Astrology and Temple is to fix problems by focusing attention on worships and remedies. Unfortunately most people dont have such a fortunate life to learn about worships and remedies or have the grace and faith to believe in them. Remember rituals, worships and remedies of temples particularly in south Indian temples are nothing more or less then a advance technology to connect with divine beings. Divine help is available and we have ways to help you access divine intervention in your problems.

For appointments call :

Marketing Tantric Astrology
The reason there is no pressure to market this Tantric Astrology science is because this divine science actually find their way to Mankind on their own once people see them and read the knowledge that sparks connection and memory with people who are waking up world wide as we accelerate to the Golden Age (Satya yugam) - Heaven on Earth.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Vara Lakshmi Vratham on 12 August 2016

The Hindu festival going by the name 'Vara Lakshmi Vratha' is celebrated on the last Friday before the full moon in the Tamil Month 'Aadi' which corresponds to the English months of July-August. It is a festival to propitiate the goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity. Varalakshmi is one who grants boons (Varam).

Goddess Lakshmi
In her first incarnation, Lakshmi was the daughter of the sage Bhrigu and his wife Khyati. She was later born from the milk ocean when it had been churned by a cooperative effort of the Devas (demigods) and Asuras (demons).

Goddess Lakshmi is Maya, the illusory power of Nature. She deludes the whole world by Her power and projects it through Her projecting power. Beauty, grace, a picturesque scenery or charming landscape, modesty, love, prosperity, music, the five elements and their combinations, the internal organs, mind, Prana, intellect-all these are Her manifestations.

There are not many temples that are dedicated exclusively to Goddess Lakshmi. She is usually given a spot next to Lord Vishnu, or a small shrine in one of the temples. Yet, in some rare temples dedicated to Lakshmi you can see her on a central throne, and her eight other aspects or expansions as well, four on either side of her. These have different combinations of hands holding various objects representing her different powers. The most popular of these is Gajalakshmi, shown with four arms on an eight-petaled lotus. This aspect of her is most often seen when positioned above door frames of houses or temples. When seen with two hands, she is known as Samanyalakshmi and Indralakshmi.

It is said that Lakshmi will enter the house of anyone who thinks of her and bless them. There are many festivals in the year dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. Among them, Varalakshmi Vratham is considered very auspicious because it is marked by strict observance of certain practices and austerities. It is also called Varalakshmi Nonbu.

Those who seek a plentiful yield of farm crops must worship Sri Dhanya Lakshmi, the giver of good crops. In the same way, one should worship Sri Dhairya Lakshmi for obtaining courage and skillful speech; Sri Gaja Lakshmi for obtaining the quality of being liked by all people, respect in society, and fame; Sri Santana Lakshmi for ensuring the positive growth and well-being of one’s children; Sri Vijaya Lakshmi for obtaining victory in all endeavors; Sri Vidya Lakshmi for obtaining success and growth in all studies and learning; and Sri Maha Lakshmi for obtaining all types of wealth, good health, radiance, and the grace of all eight Lakshmis.

If you are unmarried and want a marriage, doing Vara Lakshmi Pooja at this time will bring you a compatible partner.

Eight forces or energies are recognised and they are known as Sri (Wealth), Bhu (Earth), Saraswati (learning), Priti (love), Kirti (Fame), Santi (Peace), Tushti(Pleasure) and Pushti(Strength). Each one of these forces is called a Lakshmi and all the eight forces are called the Ashta Lakshmis or the eight Lakshmis of the Hindus. Vishnu is also called Ashta Lakshmi Padhi which is equivalent to saying that he is the asylum for the eight-Lakshmis or forces. In fact, Vishnu representing the preservative aspect of the universe, radiates these forces from him. These forces are personified and worshipped as Lakshmis, since abstract force is beyond the comprehension of the ordinary people. As health, wealth and prosperity depend upon the rythmic play of these forces, the worship of Lakshmi is said to be to obtain these three. Only a woman can sympathise with women. Lakshmi is a woman. So she will more readily sympathise with women. Hence this festival is observed largely by women, invoking the blessings of Lakshmi on them, their husbands and their children.

How to arrange the pooja?
After a purificatory bath, the lady should put on a clean, fresh cloth and make a mandala with the drawing of a lotus upon it. A kalasha filled with rice and topped with fresh mango leaves, a coconut and cloth are placed on the mandala and Lakshmi is invoked therein. Fresh grains are used in the worship as they convey the idea of growth and prosperity.

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After the worship of the kalasha, follows the worship of Ganesha, then the worship of the raksha or the Sacred thread. Now the main worship of Vara Lakshmi begins and the raksha is worshipped a second time. It is then tied to the right hand of the lady. after the worship various auspicious articles are given as charity to some deserving lady whose husband is alive. This lady is also fed with dainties.

Lakshmi not only bestows wealth and all sorts of material prosperity, but also imparts divine wisdom to all Her devotees. She is Vidya Shakti. She introduces Her devotees to Her Lord Vishnu. She recommends them to Her Lord for their salvation. The simplest way of prayer to appease Her is by fasting on this day, offering Her with red lotus flower and reciting Her mantra (Hmmm / Om Shreem Lakshmiye Namaha) during prayer.

Without Lakshmi even Sannyasis cannot do propaganda or preaching work or run their institutions. They are in fact more in need of Lakshmi than the house- holders because they have to do great dynamic work for human's well being. All great prophets and divine messengers who have done great spiritual work in the past were devotees of Mother Lakshmi, Parvathi and Saraswathi.

May Goddess Lakshmi bless you all! Let us repeat Her Mantra:


~ By Vijayakumar Alagappan

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

18 Siddhars Samadhi at Tamil Nadu

Siddha Thirumoolar Samadhi
18 Siddhars of Tamil Nadu 
Idaikadar (under Arunachala temple)
Arunachala temple, Thiruvannamalai
Sathaimuni / Sathainathar
Thiruvedagam, west Madurai (west of Kodimangalam)
Rameswaram Ramalinga Swami Temple, Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu
Konganar / Konkanar
Konganeswarar Thoppu, Thiruvavaduthurai, east Kumbakonam
Siva temple, Mayiladuthurai, Tamil nadu
Sankaran Koil near Puliyankudi
Meenakshi Amman temple, Madurai 
On the southern side of Sri Kalyana Pasupatheeswarar temple, Karur
Vaanmeegar / Valmiki
Next to Marudeeswarar temple, Thiruvanmiyur
Vaitheeswaran Temple, west Pullirukkuvelur
Goraknath / Korakkar
Shiva temple, north Poigainallur (near Nagapattinam & Vadukupoigainallar)
Kamalamuni / Kamala munivar
Thiyagarajar temple, Thiruvarur
Kasi Vishwanathar temple, Tiruparankundram hill, Madurai
Sri Gomuktheeswarar temple, Thiruvavaduthurai (near Nagapattinam)
Alagar malai (near Pazhamuthircholai Murugan Temple, 18 km north east of Madurai)
Agastiyar / Kumbamuni
Adi Kumbeswarar Temple, Kumbakonam
Bhogar / Boganathar
Arulmigu Dhandayuthapaniswamy Temple, Palani
Sivavakkiyar / Nandi Devar
Sivan malai, kumbakonam

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Vaikasi Visakam - Lord Muruga's Birthday

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Vaikasi Vishakam

Lord Muruga's Birthday/Jeyanthi is celebrated in the month of Vaikasi ( May - June) when the Full Moon coincides with the Vishakam star. This year in 2016, Vaikasi Vishakam is on 21st of May. Vaikasi Vishakam is said to be the day when Lord Muruga incarnated in this world with the mission of saving earth from demons. The day should make us free from bondages of our sins and leads us to a peaceful life.

Murugan's birthday means on this day anually our Earth planet, Moon and Visagam nakshatram where Lord Murugan reside will be align in straight line and bombard its energy to the extreme on us. By being conscious about this cosmic phenomenon and attune your body to its frequency through mantras and rituals you can attract this powerful divine energy to remove your bad karmas in health, finance, relationship, etc. 

The birth of Muruga
This legend narrates the story of the destruction of Kaama by Shiva and the birth of Skanda.
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Sati, the consort of Shiva immolated herself at the site of the Daksha Yagna, which was later destroyed by Shiva. Sati was reborn as Uma, or Parvati the daughter of the mountain king Himavaan (the Himalayas). Shiva withdrew himself from the universe and engaged himself in yogic meditation in the Himalayas.

In the meanwhile, the demon Surapadma ravaged the earth and tormented its beings. It was realized by the gods that only the son born of Shiva and Parvati could lead the gods to victory over Tarakaasuran, Surapadman and their demon companions. They plotted with Kaama, the lord of desire, to shoot a flower arrow at Shiva, as he sat in meditation, so as to make him fall in love with Parvati. When Kaama aimed his arrow at Shiva, he opened his third eye and burned him to ashes instantly. Upon hearing the pleas of Kama's wife Rati, he brought back Kama to life, in flesh and blood for her sake, and in a formless state for others.

His penance disturbed, Shiva fell in love with Parvathi. However, the sparks of the fiery seed of Shiva were unbearable; even the fire God Agni could not bear them; this fire was then transported by the river Ganga into the Sara Vana forest, where Sara Vana Bhava was born. He was raised by the six Kartika damsels. Parvati combined these six babies into one with six faces, ie. Shanmukha. Shanmukha, or Kartikeya the supreme general of the devas, led the army of the devas to victory against the demons. The six sites at which Kartikeya sojourned while leading his armies against Surapadman are Tiruttanikai, Swamimalai, Tiruvavinankudi (Palani), Pazhamudirsolai, Tirupparamkunram and Tiruchendur.

How to observe
Chant "Sa Ra Va Na Bha Va" for 108 times during Sun set by facing north direction to attune yourself and access the energy. When we repeatedly utter a Mantra we are tuning to a particular frequency and this frequency establishes a contact with the cosmic energy and drags it into our body and surroundings. Visiting Lord Murugan's Temple on this day or simply performing Vel abishegam at home will allow yourself to access His immeasurable blessings.

~ Vijayakumar Alagappan

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Power of Mantra

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Sound is a form of energy made up of a frequency (kampan shakti) or wavelengths. The Universe vibrates in its own frequency (Nadabrahmam). The mother Earth vibrates at 7.83 htz and the father Cosmos vibrates at 14 htz. Thus, the whole existence is nothing but sound. Our ancient Yogis, Siddhas and Rishis used to give mantras, the occult formula of vibrations which are nothing but a sound waves which can produce low or high sound frequencies. When uttered repeatedly with devotion, they become the source of enormous vibrations and infinite power which certain wavelengths have the power to heal, others are capable of shattering glass.

Whatever sound comes out from the mouth is the outcome of the interaction of various organs such as the wind-pipe, the tongue, the teeth, the lips etc. The different organs or parts of the mouth are interconnected with various parts of the body through tubular organs known as Nadi.

In those areas of the body, especially wherever the Chakras are located, there are lots of Ganglia (granthis, subtle energy knots). The mystics know what power is contained in each of the Ganglia. The various sounds produced through the organs of the mouth have their effect on these Ganglia; they activate the Ganglia and discharge their stored power. The wordings of the mantra are arranged on the basis of their sounds and intonations.

Mantras also can work directly upon our karma, the accumulated tendencies with which we are born.

The sounds involved in a Mantra are themselves significant, because they generate in the individual, an unusual mystic power. Mantra produces a set of frequency in the surrounding atmosphere and its force depends on the attitude of the person as well as the intensity of concentration. This frequency can attract the concerned deity (archetype being) and respond to us for our well being.

A Mantra can consist of a powerful word or a combination of words and can be used for self realization, for freedom from worries, to fulfill one's desires, to ward off the effects of malefic planets, to bring you success, peace and contentment - the range is truly vast. You can choose for yourself.

How to sit:
Sitting in position which maximizes the total effect of mantras is desirable. According to the ancient systems, the lotus posture is the best asana for meditation and for mantras. Other asanas (postures) which are recommended in order of effect for meditation or the practice of mantras are:

1. Padma Asana (Lotus pose) / Ardha Padmasana
2. Siddha Asana or Vajra Asana (Thunderbolt pose

Once you have decided upon the asana for a particular mantra, you must use the same mantra for the duration of the chanting. You can sit on the earth ( as distinct from floor), on a deer skin, a tiger skin, a wooden platform, a cotton or plant fibre mat. Synthetic materials should not be used.

For getting the maximum benefit, the mantras should be recited at designated timings.

Where to chant:
Mantras should be chanted in a quiet place. Once a place has been chosen, it should become permanent for all practical purposes.

Best time:
The best time for chanting mantras is the Brahmamuhurtam (4 a.m. / 2 hours before Sun rise). Other good times are the transition periods i.e. when night is turning into day (dawn and sunrise), when day is turning into night (twilight and sunset). You can also choose the time before going to bed. Having chosen your time, you should be regular about the hours and duration of your chanting.

If chanting mantras during the day time, you should sit facing the north or the east. If chanting mantras during the night, you should sit facing the north.

Using a Mala or Rosary:

Generally, a mala or mala of 108 Rudraksha or tulsi (basil) or sandalwood beads is used when chanting mantras. According to ancient texts, the following beads can be used for chanting specific mantras:

1. For obtaining wealth and fulfillment of desires : Mala of crystals
2. For obtaining spiritual and mystical knowledge  : Mala of rudraksha

3. For obtaining both material wealth and spiritual wisdom : Mala of 54 rudraksha beads and 54 crystal beads ( 54 + 54 = 108 beads )
Mantras must be chanted or recited with unwavering devotion and motivation.

With the mala hanging over the middle, ring and index finger of the right hand, the thumb and middle finger are generally used to roll the beads. You must not cross the ' head' of the mala when rolling the beads and must revert to the head after completing a mala.

Finger-line counting ( yogic way)
Place your left thumb on the top line of your little finger and move it on each time you repeat the mantra - first to the middle line, then the lowest line, then on to the lines of the ring finger and so on. Using the three lines of the four fingers is twelve repititions; nine rounds adds up to a hundred and eight repititions.

How often:
The number of times a mantra has to be chanted is usually specified. Normally, it is considered auspicious to chant a mantra 11, 18, 54 or 108 times or in multiples of 108. Once you have fixed upon the number, you can increase it but cannot decrease it unless with the guidance of your Guru.