Monday, October 24, 2016

IKS Spiritual Retreat to Remove Guru Curse & Reactivate Guru Chakra

Guru Chakra Activation Spitlritual Retreat - June 2017 

The scripture says that Mantra is born of Guru, Gods and Goddesses of Mantra, so that the Guru is in the position of Father’s father to all Gods and Goddesses. So if you want the blessings of your Ishta deivam or even Kuladeivam for health, wealth, peace and prosperity then you should access your Guru's blessing first. But unfortunately many people bark up the wrong tree to succeed in life since they dont know their personalized Guru and how to find. Do you know that you cant find your Guru by yourself since you are in ignorance/sleeping state but only enlightened/awaken Guru can find you and choose to enlighten you. You are in the sleeping state when you are in ignorance, then how you can find? the most you can do only dream about guru when you are in sleeping state but cant find guru. There is one easiest way to connect guru according to Siddha teaching which is guru chakra temples.

We have a great news for IKS students and followers. IKS Academy will organize another great spiritual retreat to South India to re-connect with your Guru, Para Guru, Parat Param Guru, Athma Guru and other higher Gurus by visiting guru chakra invocation temples which is only known to Siddha lineage and should always kept in secret. We will be going to nine great temples where the significant of the temples only known to Siddha masters and their students.

Highlights of the spiritual retreat :

- Three most important Shiva temple to visit to melt your guru's curse and to reconnect your guru and we will be going there to activate our chakra which is related to guru.
- Vishnu temple to give knowledge, peace of mind through guru chakra and create secret path to moksha
- Universal Goddess temple to activate 3rd eye who is the direct disciple of God himself. Millions of Siddhas and Rishis were absorbed in Her body to give blessings and to disclose the secret wisdom of Universes
- Most important Kalabairava temple to initiate Guru consciousness
- Murugan temple to access Guru's domain
- Pradosham homam, abishegam and ritual at one of the most important Karma removal temple
- Annadhanam and Girivalam in Thiruvanamalai in Pournami window time
- Thirumoolar Siddhar Temple for moksha
- Nandikeswarar Siddhar Temple for peace through kill ego and attachment
- Agasthiar Siddhar Temple for wealth

and other temples...

Microcosm and Macrocosm are always in same order : In astrology Guru is known as Planet Jupiter and said Guru parvai kodi punyam( darshan of Guru can difuse any dosham/obstacles). Jupiter is a huge planet and has more mass than all the other planets combined. Jupiter is the primary cause for the entire Solar System to orbit the Barycenter. The Sun and all the planets actually orbit a central point of mass for the entire Solar System, known as the Barycenter.
Like wise in our life Guru is the centre of our life essentially but due to ignorance and ego we dont know the actual importance of Guru.

Siddha masters says human birth are the rarest birth which can be only attain after taking countless other lower births and accumulating mountain like merits in those lower births, but if you cant find your guru in this most precious human birth then this birth will be a waste.

There are no different between Guru, Mantras, Gods and goddesses. Guru is father, mother and Brahman. Guru, it is said, can save from the wrath of Lord Shiva, but in no way, can one be saved from the wrath of the Guru. 

Hmmm Guruve Pothri ...

Trip details : Date: 1st June 2017 to 10 June 2017 during school holidays

Trip Payment : Pay deposit RM500 to book your seat as soon as possible since limited for 30 pax only. For those who are coming for the 1st time with us have to check whether you got destiny to participate this trip or not by sending your date, time and place of birth. Confirmation of seat is on first come first serve basis and through deposit of Rm 500 only.

NOTE: Strictly serious spiritual seekers only are welcome.

IKS Academy always brings us to sacred temples in South India which were built according to tantric science, where karma can be erased and destinies can be changed forever. This advance spiritual retreat will be guided by Vijayakumar Alagappan physically and spiritually according to Siddha master’s tantric teachings.

IKS Academy Team

For further details on the trip cost and method of payment call : 013 350 5903 / 012 9107301

