Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Kundalini Awakening : Uncoiling the Serpent

In Siddha tradition, kundalini is conceived of as the primal power or energy. The awakening of kundalini is the prime purpose of human incarnation. Most commonly, kundalini is illustrated as a sleeping snake coiled three and a half times. Kundalini resides in mooladhara in the form of a coiled snake and when the snake awakens it uncoils and shoots up through sushumna (the psychic passage in the centre of the spinal cord).

With the awakening of kundalini, a transformation takes place in life. When kundalini wakes up, your mind changes and your priorities and attachments also change. There is even the possibility of restructuring the entire physical body.
When kundalini awakens, the shaktis wakes up, the cells in the body are completely charged and a process of rejuvenation also starts. The voice changes, the smell of body changes and the hormonal secretion also change.
Once you can tame the uncoiled serpent, every cell of the body is charged with high voltage prana of kundalini. Now you are compensating for the laws of nature and speeding up the pace of your physical, mental and spiritual evolution.

In every human being there is a divine energy called the kundalini.

What will happen when your Kundalini is awakened? You will feel:
  • Ecstasy and bliss
  • Heightened awareness
  • Oneness with universal consciousness
  • Knowledge of self and all there is
  • Feeling of effortlessness
  • Greater sensitivity to your environment
  • Superhuman strength and abilities
  • Psychic abilities
  • Charisma and leadership
  • Profound peace
  • Enhanced sensory perception
Anyone can awaken their Kundalini energy. However, Kundalini meditation is best practiced under the guidance of a spiritual teacher who can activate and teach the individual to control the energy (taming the serpent). Kundalini energy must be awakened slowly. Energy can have positive or negative consequences, which is why this type of meditation is best done under strict guidance.

Kundalini Activation / Initiation - Dikshai

In siddha tradition Guru is one who has traveled path of Siddha yoga and further he has been bestowed the authority and ability to awaken the kundalini of other beings by dikshai. Siddha Guru primarily can initiates you in three ways, through a look (nyana dikshai), through a word(mantra) or through touch.

There are primarily two ways one can awaken their kundaini :
1. Spiritiual practice or
2. Spiritual transfer of energy (Energy infusion by the Guru)

One can meditate long, hard hours, months and years trying to reach deeper levels "within" and do hatha to awaken the kundalini or one can find a Siddha tradition guru who can do Spiritual transfer of energy (kundalini awakening).

Once kundalini is awakened the seeker is expected to do consistent efforts to derive the basic benefits of the siddha yoga like self realization.

Dikshai is the most effortless and blissful way to raise our spiritual frequency. A moment’s dikshai received in a mode of intense surrender can bring about more irreversible transformation in your life than years of meditation and spiritual practice.

The Importance of Guru in Kundalini Activation

The importance of a Guru cannot be overemphasized on the spiritual journey. First, because it is extremely rare for an aspirant to be able to awaken kundalini on their own (self-awakening), and second, because after the kundalini awakening, various cleansing processes occur (kriyas and divine experiences) where the moderation of the kundalini effect by the Guru is very important. In absence of a Guru, the awakening of kundalini and the kriya events can be dramatica and sometimes damaging in cases  where the recipients spiritual (or  physical) body is not effectively ready for the stage.

Do not believe in self-proclaimed Gurus that claim to awaken kundalini of others at price or the kundalini masters that offer paid shakti dikshai awakenings and enlightenment in days. In Siddha tradition kundalini initiation will be done without taking payments. One can only allowed to do service for the Guru in return not payment.

Knowing The Secrets of Your Birth - Tantric Astrology

None of us begins life knowing who we are or why we're the way we are. We have to search deeply for that knowledge.


These are not ordinary questions, and they are not answered by finding the right book or articles on websites. These are cries from the depth of your being, calling you to discover your true self, who longs to be embraced without hesitation or fear. Tantric Astrology reading hold the imprint of that true self. Don waste your time underestimating yourself. Use your spirit's infinite intelligence to express the true reason you were born.

Tantra ( Tantric )
The word "tantra" is derived from the combination of two words "tatva" and "mantra". "Tatva" means the science of cosmic principles, while "mantra" refers to the science of mystic sound vibrations. Tantra therefore is the application of cosmic sciences with a view to attain spiritual ascendancy. In another sense, tantra also means the scripture by which the light of knowledge is spread. The main deities worshipped are Shiva and Shakti. The most vigorous aspects of ancient wisdom tradition evolved as an esoteric system of knowledge are in the Tantras.

Astrology, primarily known as a branch of study of the mechanics of the movement patterns and designs of the celestial bodies and especially the composition and contents of the Cosmos, in the ancient times, has later developed into a very popular branch of a serious study of the influence of these celestial bodies on the earth, its inhabitants and evironments.

Tantric Astrology
Tantric Astrology ( Tantriga Jyotidam ) is an esoteric science practice by very few masters in India is a system designed by ancient Indian mystics.Tantric Astrology Reading hold the secrets of your birth. It can Unlock The Secrets to Your Soul, Discover Who You Are, Why You Are Here And Why You are Facing Obstacles in Your Life? The Tantric Astrology Reading can Help Us in Our Well Being as Well as Help Us Achieve Our Full Potential. It Helps You Gain An Insight Into All of Creation. It Reconnects You Back To Source / God / Creator . ... GET A READING DONE NOW !

Here are the main topics covered during the consultation:

- Ways to Attract Planets Positive Energy
The planets are not just physical masses of matter floating on the space. They are tremendously powerful astral energies or psychic forces, which affect us in our astral body, the subtle energy and psychic field surrounding and inter-penetrating our physical body.-

-Ways to Attain departed Ancestor's blessings
At the deeper methaphysical level, there are only two reasons for all of our problem:
~ 1st is Planetary influences
~ 2nd is Departed spirits influences
The yogis and siddhas of India paid equal attention to the bodily existence, while one is alive and also the disembodied existence after one dies. Accordiing to them our dead ancestors are also governing our destiny besides the planets. There are few solutions to overcome problems in our life, be it financial, relationship, health and etc. One of the most important solutions is by practicing rituals for our ancestors. Miracles take place after the rituals are done. Therefore, through this system you will learn the secrets how to appease your dead ancestors to get their blessings for greater health, wealth, prosperity and enlightenment.

Astrology is not a final prediction, astrology only shows the potentials and the energies that influence. Knowing these energies is help full if you want to know the self and be part of the 5% humanity who make it happen materially or spiritually !

-Secret Method of Karma Removal
The ultimate purpose of our human life is God realization. Siddha's principle tell you that you can get to your life purpose only when your karma has been wiped clean. When that happens an intense flowering happens, and both the material and spiritual worlds open up for you. You have a choice then on the abundance that you are presented with.Whether you take the spiritual or material route, one thing is certain: you have to completely eliminate your karma to even to get there.

-Sound Wave of your name can balance your energy
In the Ramayana, after redeeming Sita from Ravana, Rama was returning in the "Pushpa Vimana" with her, Lakshmana and Hanuman. Sita asked Rama that she wanted to see the stones which had bridged the sea to Lanka. She had heard that they had floated as the Vanaras had chanted Rama's name.

Immediately, the "Pushpa Vimana" was put down in that place. Rama picked up a rock and threw it into the sea. But rock which had floated when the Vanaras had chanted Rama's name, now sank even though it was thrown by Rama himself this time. Everyone was surprised. Hanuman explained that they had written Rama's name 'Sri Ram' on the stones before throwing. That was only they had floated. If Rama were to do the same, he could made them float too. It happened as he had said it would.

All can be changed with sound. All the world is made of sound (Nada Brahmam). The Most important sound in your life is your name. In this reading you will be also given a personalised mantra that is constructed using your own name and predominant chakra. Your name is by itself a mantra and your destiny is coupled to it. What a coincidence, it is not by accidents that your parents named you as they did.

You are the giant magnet that can attract positive and negative energy. Regular chanting of thesemantrawould energize your body with positive energy and turn your auric field into negative energy so that your auric field will work as a shield of your body to attract positive things and repel negative things in your daily life. This technique is the greatest secret gift given by our mystics to us for a successfull life with greater health, wealth, prosperity and enlightenment

other important topics :
- Pre-dominant chakras
- Education / career / business path
- Qualities, talents and capabilities of the individual
- Soul's mission in this life
- Spiritual secrets
- Potential illness and appropriate remedies
- Natural diet and yoga exercises suitable for the individual
- What you owe to society in your previous life and ways to pay the dues.
- Secret Mantras and rituals to remove bad karmas from millions of your previous births
- Secret Tantric Ritual to appease your dead ancestor`s for greater health, wealth, prosperity & enlightenment
- Secret science of the Planets and way to get their blessing
and many more......

- 120 to 180 minutes per session ( in Tamil / English )
- place @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- only 1 or 2 consultations are scheduled on each day
- price p/consultation :- RM 240 for Malaysia & USD 150 for overseas

NOTE: Only serious knowledge seekers are welcome

Astrology, Worship and Remedies
The purpose of Astrology and Temple is to fix problems by focusing attention on worships and remedies. Unfortunately most people dont have such a fortunate life to learn about worships and remedies or have the grace and faith to believe in them. Remember rituals, worships and remedies of temples particularly in south Indian temples are nothing more or less then a advance technology to connect with divine beings. Divine help is available and we have ways to help you access divine intervention in your problems.

For appointments call :

Marketing Tantric Astrology
The reason there is no pressure to market this Tantric Astrology science is because this divine science actually find their way to Mankind on their own once people see them and read the knowledge that sparks connection and memory with people who are waking up world wide as we accelerate to the Golden Age (Satya yugam) - Heaven on Earth.