Friday, July 26, 2013

Money and Sun Sign

Can You Make Money ?
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Hard work, initiative, enterprise, shrewdness and possessive instinct are essential for making money. Those born in the Zodiacal Sun signs of Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer or Scorpio hang on to money and possessions and make good money; those born under Aquarius, Aries and leo signs also make money and spend money wisely.

Those born under Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius lack possessive instinct. They tend to let money and possessions slip though they create new sources of income. Pisces borns wil have fluctuating fortunes, as the money earned may go in for speculation and unwise spending. For Virgo borns, the earning capacity is not high. Due to social responsibility or otherwise, they get risky nd badly-paid jobs.

Commercial talents are very high for Capricorn and Taurus borns. Those born in the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius have bright ideas for earning money. But the best business associates is one of Aries or Leo, as they have executive flair, capacity for making quick decision and quick execution.

Sun Signs

- 21st March to 19th April - ARIES (MESHA)

- 20th April to 20th May - TAURUS (RISHABAM)

- 21st May to 21st June - GEMINI (MITHUNAM)

- 22nd June to 22nd July - CANCER (KADAKAM)

- 23rd July to 22nd August - LEO (SIMMAM)

- 23rd August to 22nd September - VIRGO (KANNI)

- 23rd September to 23rd October - LIBRA (TULA)

- 24th October to 22nd November - SCORPIO (VRISCHIKAM)

- 23rd November to 21st December - SAGITTARIUS (DHANUSU)

- 22nd December to 18th January - CAPRICORN (MAKARAM)

- 19th January to 18th February - AQUARIUS (KUMBHAM)

- 19th February to 20th March - PISCES (MEENAM)

In seeking someone who will safeguard money or possessions for you, then put your affairs into the hands of a Cancer-born person.