Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Miracles of Murungai Maram (Moringa Tree)

Ancient Indian folklore says this tree will prevent over 300 known diseases. Is Moringa really the Miracle tree that mankind has used for medicinal purposes for over thousands of years? Absolutely! Science is finally confirming what ancient cultures and many sub-tropical and tropical peoples have already known from first hand experience....Moringa is the miracle tree. the Moringa oliefera tree will even sustain life if that was all a person had to eat.
It seems that the more this fast-growing, almost indestructible , drought-resistant miracle tree is studied, the more Moringa Oleifera reveals her nutritional wonders.From the seeds, the pods, the bark, roots and leaves, the moringa tree is the most generous giver of life enhancing nutrients. Even on their own, the leaves of this tree are noteworthy. Clinical studies are now revealing what traditional medicine practitioners in many countries have been proclaiming.

Moringa leaves can cure a host of diseases. .
Nutritional lab analyses are showing that the moringa leaves are very high in protein and contain all of the essential amino acids, including two amino acids that are especially important for children's diets. The leaves
of this miracle tree have a similar complete amino acid ratio as meat. This is very rare in a plant food. In fact
beans come a close second but are not as complete.

Moringa has over 92 verified nutrients.Moringa leaves are also loaded with essential vitamins and minerals,especially vitamins A and C. Delivering such a power punch of bio available nutrition, Moringa leaves are capable of preventing malnutrition and a host of other nutritionally related diseases such as beri beri and rickets. Moringa leaves have the potential to deliver the nutrition needed to prevent and cure diseases. Moringa leaves have the potential to deliver the nutrition needed to prevent and cure diseases.

Fresh Leaves
Gram for gram, fresh leaves contain about:

4 times the Vitamin A of Carrots

7 times the Vitamin C of Oranges

4 times the Calcium of Milk

3 times the Potassium of Bananas

3/4 the Iron of Spinach

2 times the Protein of Yogurt

Dried Leaves
Gram for gram, dried leaves contain about:

10 times the Vitamin A of Carrots

1/2 the Vitamin C of Oranges

17 times the Calcium of Milk

15 times the Potassium of Bananas

25 times the Iron of Spinach

9 times the Protein of Yogurt

It is truly a miracle tree

By Vijayakumar Allagappan

Monday, February 27, 2012

Principles of Healthy Living - Siddha Health System

Principles of Healthy Living

· Take 2 meals a day. In the morning and in the evening.
· Take rock salt and fresh ginger before taking food. This will clear the throat and sharpen the appetite.
· When you take food, a tumbler of water should be places on the right side.
· One should not sit for taking food facing the north.
· If one passes wind when he takes food he must leave of eating. He must not take any food during the day.
· Sweet things should be taken first, salt and acid substances next; and pungent, bitter and astringent things at the end.
· Pomegranates, sugarcane and similar things should be eaten first and never at the end of dinner.
· Take hard substances in the beginning, soft things in the middle and the liquids towards the end of the meal.
· Do not run after taking a meal.
· Walking after dinner promotes life. It gives good health.
· After food, lie down on the left side for a short time. This helps for digestion. Surya Nadi works when you lie on the left side.
· Immediately after taking food, it is highly injuries to bask in the sun, swim, ride or run, sing, sit by the fire side, fight, and practice physical exercise of asana, pranayama or study.
· Night meals should always be light.
· Do not take curd at night. Curd should never be taken without the addition of some salt.
· Food, cohabitation, sleep, studying and walking in the street should not be indulged in at sunset.
· Food, evacuation of the bowels, cohabitation, sleep, taking medicine should be done when the breath is passing through the right nostril.


· Do not sleep with the head towards the north.
· Sleeping with head towards the south prolongs life.
· You will pass a dreamy night by keeping your head towards the west.
· You will get wealth by keeping your head towards the east.

Sexual Health

· Sexual intercourse is prohibited for the first four days after the appearance of the menses, as well as on the 8th, 14th and 15th days of fortnights (light and dark), on the anniversary days of dead parents, in the day time, at midnight and during an eclipse.
· Morning cohabitation is injuries.
· He who has eaten heavy meals, who is hungry, thirsty, who is pressed with the calls of nature, should not indulge in sexual intercourse.

"DO not be proud of wealth, people, relations and friends or youth. All these are snatched by time in the blink of an eye. Giving up this illusory world, know and attain the Supreme". Adi Shankara, 9th century Indian philosopher and Saint

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Year 2012 is the Time We Transformed ourselves into Gods and Goddeses

The time we transformed ourselves into Higher Being / 7am Arivu
- By Vijayakumar Alagapan

In all of Earth's history, this is the most exciting time to be a human body. An incredible change is taking place. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun / Suryan once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years. There is a electromagnetic cloud of grace light, around Karthigai star where the Sun is said to complete one orbit in the Karthigai Stars system every 24, 000 years.

                                Image Detail

During 2012, the Sun, Earth and Karthigai star, will be in alignment resulting in more of the grace light entering the Earth plane. Thereafter, it is predicted that the Karthigai - Lord Murugan energy will be responsible for the transformation of the planet and of the genetic evolution of the human species into Gods and Goddesses status.

This energy will allow humans to return to their original blueprint. The most important thing to remember about these new energies is to stay conscious and match our frequency to receieve it. Muruga energy is to remind us of who we really are like how He remind the Om mantra to His fathre Lord Shiva in Swamimalai.

According to siddhas the birth of Muruga symbolizes the rising of energy from the base of the spine to the pituitary gland, to awaken Gods and Goddesses conciousness. His energy will enable our strands of DNA to make the shift into the fifth dimension to prepare ourself into higher inteligence / 7th sense ( 7am Arivu) being status.

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The energy of the Karthigai stars - Lord Muruga is of etheric and spiritual nature. The 10,500 years of darkness between the 2000 year periods of light afford incarnating Man repeatedly his spiritual evolution. As the majority of humans become forgetful of their Divine Source and purpose during these Earthly sojourns, the periods of Light serve a dual purpose. They represent a sorting-out process, gathering matured souls into the Light of the Spirit and affording the weaker, just maturing souls a stabilization period of respite and an opportunity for further spiritual growth. The individuals who could not or would not acknowledge Divine Love as the essence of their being during the l0,500 year period of incarnations are given another chance again.
Serious Karma Cleansing & Muruga's Golden Age Light Trip - 1st June 2012

EXCITING NEWS ! Indian Knowledge System Academy brings us to sacred temples in South India... land of divine... where karma is erased and destinies are changed... forever.
This advance spiritual trip will offers a unique opportunity to explore the secret energies and subtl...e vibrations of sacred places in South India connected with the Siddha Masters teachings.

We have selected temples and other ancient powerful places which resonate with and complement the energy of IKS Academy teachings to transformed ourselves into Gods and Goddesses status.

Highlight of the Trip:
- we will visit the greatest power spot temple to remove your stubborn karma on Saturday Maha Pradosham. One ritual at this temple equal to thousands ritual in other temples.

- then we will visit Thiruvanamalai and Mount Arunachala on the particular full moon night which is very special to regain our Gods and Goddess status and bring us one step closer to the Divine.

- Millions of Siddha masters live in Mount Arunachala in their light form. The seeming beggar you encounter on the trail could be a great Siddha master come to give you his blessings. The Siddhas teach that walking one round around Mount Arunachala as a pilgrimage at particular time will erases the karmic sin of ten million births !

- By feeding pilgrims at Mount Arunachala we can obtain the highest of highest blessings from the Divine. Therefore, IKS Academy will be running a feeding station to feed thousands of pilgrims who will be also walking around Mount Arunachala. All of us will have the blessings to help IKS Academy feed the thousands of pilgrims and obtain immeasurable grace from God.

- we will visit six battle house of Muruga in order to absorb his Golden Age Lights to restore Heaven on Earth, regain our legacy as Gods and Goddess and wash away our negative financial karma, attract money and abundant opportunities and to receive blessings for a beautiful relationship.

- In addition we will visit other secret power spots which are only known to enlighten Siddha masters for divine manifestation in Satya Yugam / Golden Age.

Trip details :
- Date: 1 to 9 June 2012 (you must be in India by the night of 1st June 2012)

- The full price of the 8 days Trip is RM 1850. The cost of RM 1850 includes all accommodations, pick up and drop off from the airport (as long you arrive and depart at the appointed times), transport within India, all tipping of hotel staff and bus drivers, temple entrance fees and payments to the priests.

Important Note : It does not include the cost of your air ticket to and from Chennai and Visa.

Trip Payment :
Pay deposit RM500 to book your seat by January or as soon as possible since limited for 30 pax only. The Trip price will be RM 1850 and the balance must be paid by May.

For those who are coming for the 1st time with us have to check whether you got destiny to participate this trip or not by sending your date, time and place of birth.

NOTE: Strictly serious spiritual seekers only are welcome.

IKS Academy Team
for further details call : 012 6916777 / 012 9107301

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thai Poosam

Significance of Thai Poosam
The Month of 'Thai", is very famous for 'Thai Poosam' or 'Day of Light'. This event/festival occurs on the full moon day of the "Poosam" Nakshatra Day. Thai Poosam is the most powerful day to pray to the Vel and Muruga for destruction of all enemies, diseases and debts. The deity associated with Pushya is also Brihaspati, the 'Guru' or teacher and so it has a property of enlightening spiritual growth. This is a time for ascension from a material to pure spiritual domain. It is one of the best opportunities to enhance our thought patterns so that we are holistically much better than before.

Why Should I Participate?- It is the day when Lord Muruga was given the powerful 'Lance' or 'Vel,' (Divine Spear Weapon) by Mother Goddess Parvathi to assist in His battle with the demon Surapadma. The vel has a lot of significance in the transition from the physical into a life beyond, or in other words attaining a 'light body'.
- ushya means "nurture". Pushya is in the sign Cancer owned by the Moon, the Mother. The deity associated with Pushya is Brihaspati, the 'Guru'/ Teacher. Brihaspati has a property of enlightening spiritual growth. "Poosam" or "Pushya" is considered by many to be the most auspicious star for spiritual development.
- Lord Muruga, have been identified to be the most prominent deities for 2012.
Hence, Thai Poosam 2012 assumes lot of significance for those
-Seeking the blessings of Lord Muruga
-Wanting to guard themselves against jealousy, anger, lust
-Aspiring spirituality

Why you should pray to Lord Muruga?Lord Muruga(Nyana Kadavul), as an ascetic reminds us to control the demonic mind and its tricks, thereby guarding oneself against jealousy, anger, lust and other undesirable qualities. He is known to bestow both material and spiritual abundance to His devotees.

- by Vijayakumar Alagapan