Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Entrance And Door Tips in Manayadi Sastram (Vastu)

In Manayadi Sastram (Geo-biology science), doors and windows, like any other important part of our house also have an influential effect on our life. Follow the below mentioned Manayadi Sastram rules which will help you enjoy a more fruitful and happy life.
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  • The number of doors and windows should preferably be in the even numbers such as 2, 4, 6, etc. However, they should not be 10 in number or in the multiples of 8.
  • The main door of the house should be larger than the other doors entering the house.
  • The main door should have two shutters and open to the inside of the building. Teak is a good material for the entrance door.
  • It is best that a house has two entrances. The exit door should be smaller than the entrance, and it should have only one shutter. If there are two external doors for the house, they should not be set in a straight line.
  • Main door of your house should be taller and wider than rest of the doors in your house. Moreover, based on the manayadi sastram front door tips, the door should be made of two shutters.
  • The main door should lead you to the road without any obstacle in between, such as, trees, poles, etc. Also, make sure that you don’t have any temple just opposite to your house.
  • When one enters the house, there should not be a wall in front of the entrance. There should be a door that opens to the next room. A shadow should not fall on the main door. The main door of the house should not be below ground. Neither should the main door be in the center of the house, nor in the extreme corners. If the door is set in the north wall, move it east of center; if it’s in the east wall, move it north of center. If it is set in the south wall, it should be moved east of center; if it is in the west wall, move it south of center. Some authorities say that if the house’s entrance is in the west wall. It should be centered. Some Manayadi sastram authorities say that to figure out where to place a main door, divide the house into nine parts. The door should be in the fourth section of the house from the left hand side. From the right side of the house, the entrance is in the sixth division from the right.
  • The main door should not be situated across from the main door of another house. The entrance doors of two houses should not be exactly opposing one another. Neither should two houses share a common entrance.
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  • Under any conditions, the size of the doors should not exceed or be less than the real size. Their size ratio should be about 2:1 (height and width).
  • If the entrance of the house is to the south, there should not be a balcony or verandah in front of the door.
  • It is good to set gates to both the property and the entrance to the house on the north or east sides. It is also all right to have the main door on the west wall. It is not advised to have the main entrance on the south side.
  • It is considered auspicious if the entrance to the property and the main door of the house are on the same side. It is not considered good if the main door to the house is on the opposite side to the entrance of the property.
  • There should not be an underground tank, septic tank, or canal under the main entrance. There should not be any abandoned, wrecked buildings in front of the main entrance.
  • It is good to decorate a house’s entrance with pictures or statues of Laksmi or Ganesh and auspicious signs such as OM or the Swastika.
  • Inauspicious pictures should not be on the door.
  • Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but to the side.
  • The door should not be slanted, sliding, or circular.

Follow these simple manayadi sastram entrance and door tips for a more prosperity, healthy and joyous life.
-Vijayakumar Allagappan

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Decoding Mahabharatam's Hidden Science


Science tells us that planet earth is a living being. But an imminent ecological cessation due to the reckless destruction of earth's assets finds humanity facing the challenge of saving the planet.

To put the earth we inhabit in a true perspective, Veda Vyasa personified the Earth as Kunti Devi in the epic Mahabharata. As a young girl, Kunti was granted a boon by Sage Durvasa Muni that she could invoke any God by chanting a sacred mantra.

Kunti was always fascinated by the rising Sun. In the aura of the Sun, one day, she saw a handsome man adorned with divine armor and brilliant ear-rings. Remembering Durvasa's boon, she chanted the sacred mantra and the Sun God had appreared before her. The Sun God, by the power of divinity, granted her a Child. Kunti had then, gave birth to a son called Karna. The child also wore armor and ear-rings (kavasa & kundalam).

In Sanskrit, "Kun-ti" means "The Earth". Kunti's other name is Pritha or Prithvi which means the same. Life originated on Earth with the help of Sun's rays. Vegetation was born. Karna, literally means, grain with chaff. He represents seed, the essence of the vegetable kingdom. But a seed cannot sprout without water. Kunti placed her child in a basket in the waters of the river Aswa. karna was found and brought up by Adhirath, a charioteer, who lived by the banks of the river. "Adhi-rath" actually means, "anxiety for the body".

Karna grew up as a great warrior later to be known as Ang-raj, meaning "ruler of the body". The significance of Karna's protective armor and ear-rings can be comprehended from the Sanskrit words, kavacha and kundala. The entire vegetable kingdom has a protective skin or peel, hide or shell, husk or crust. Kavacha in Sanskrit means protective covering and also rind or bark. And fruits hanging from trees just look like ear-rings or kundalas.

Kunti, used the boon of chanting the sacred mantra, and with the help of celestial grants, gave birth to the 5 Pandavas - Yudhistira from Dharma, Bhima from Vayu, Arjuna from Indra, Nakul and Sahadev from the Asvins. If Kunti's first born (Karna) conceived through the energy of the sun represents the vegetable kingdom, all the 5 Pandava brothers may be considered to constitute different parts that go to the making of the man, the highest manifestation of the animal kingdom.

Yudhistira represents Buddhi, Bhima - the mind, Arjuna - Prana or breath and the twins Nakul and Sahadev - arms and legs respectively. They were born one after the other, just like the child emerges from the womb - head first (this is the place of the Buddhi i.e., Yudhistira) then the brow, the place of the mind (Bhima) then the organs of the senses from the ears downwards through which the breath can pass (Arjuna) completing the principal parts of the man. Then we have arms, followed by legs, which are alike in every part and lie together in the womb; and so they are twins represented by Nakul and Sahadev.

The above interpretation merely seeks to draw attention to the importance of all aspects of the environment, for, as human beings, we have within us, all the elements that exist outside of us. The earth and its inhabitants therefore need to live in mutual harmony is the essence which Veda Vyasa is portraying to the common man through this epic story of Mahabharata.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Goddess Gauri confers marital bliss

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Gowri Tritiyai is an auspicious day dedicated to Goddess Parvati. It falls on the third day of the Waxing phase of Moon in Chitra month (March - April). In 2011, the date of Gauri Tritiya is April 6.

It is believed that Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati got married on that day. Goddess Gowri is one of the manifestation of Goddess Parvati. After the conclusion of her ferocious form Goddess Kali (the black goddess, man-eating manifestation of Goddess Parvati), Devi observed a severe penance to get rid her black complexion. She became Goddess Gowri, the pretty young woman with golden complexion. As unmarried girl, she performed severe penance to marry Lord Shiva.

The observance is also known as Sowbhagya Gowri Viratham in Telegu culture. On this day, women worship the Mother Goddess for their marital bliss. They conduct special pujas at home and invite neighbours, friends and relatives to take part in the ritual. An image of Goddess Parvati is worshipped along with other deities. The prayers are for the wellbeing of the family. Unmarried women pray for good husbands.

Those who worship Goddess Gowri along with Shivalingam on this day would get good husband and their married life will be blissful with the blessings of the divine couple.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Auspicious Times (Muhurtam) - Moon, Nakshatra and Activities by VIJAYAKUMAR ALAGAPPAN

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Astrology is the study of all the living beings on earth, in relation to the heavenly bodies, the constellations, Rasis (Zodiac Signs) and the planets of the Solar system. Man relates his activities on the Earth to the movements of the heavenly bodies from time immemorial.

The moon transits throuh a specific nakshatra each day. When the Moon passes through different 27 lunar mansions, specific activities can bear more productive fruit. While thinking about auspicious times, naturally the movements of Moon comes to fore. Inauspiciousness or auspiciousness depends upon the decreasing or increasing phases of the Moon. Amavasai (30 Tithi) and Tithis 1,2,3,4,5 in the bright half (Sukhla Paksha) are considered inauspicious, due to the weakening of the Moon. The ensuing Tithis of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 witness increase in the strength of the Moon to a certain degree and so these are considered medium in auspiciousness. The next ensuing Tithis of 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Full Moon) show the Moon with all its Nitya Devis (Kalas)  and so these Tithis are auspicious.

During the dark half (Krishna Paksha), in the Tithis of 1, 2, ,3, 4 and 5, Moon starts its weakening course when the Nitya Devis start  to leave the Moon and goes to the Sun one by one, but still remains with a number of Nitya Devis; so these Tithis are fully auspicious. In the ensuing Tithis of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Moons strength gradually decreases and so these are medium in auspicious. The last  Tithis (11, 12, 13, 14, 15 New Moon) show Moon very weak and so these are inauspicious. After Amavasai (New Moon) the Nitya Devis return one by one on each Tithi and the moon starts shining again till its full on the Pournami (Full Moon) when the last Nitya Devi returns to it.The above are the recommendations of "Tantric Astrology" by Vijayakumar Allagappan.

"Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things, and I am greatly indebted to it. Geophysical evidence reveals the power of the stars and the planets in relation to the terrestrial. In turn, astrology reinforces this power to some extent. This is why astrology is like a life-giving elixir to mankind." - Albert Einstein

The following is a listing of the nakshatras in regard to their qualities and the daily life events which are harmonious under their influence.

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- Buying a Home : Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Ayilyam, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Vishakha, Moola and Revathi.

- Marriage : Rohini, Mrigashira, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Uttara Ashadha, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revathi.

Laying the Foundation of a Home : Rohini, Mrigashira, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Jyestha, Uttara Ashadha and Shravana.

Learning Music or Dance : Rohini, Pusya, Purva Phalguni, Hasta, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Uttara Ashadha, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati.

Planting and Sowing : Ashwini, Rohini, Pusya, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, SDwati, Anuradha, Mula, Uttara Ashadha and Revati.

Medical Treatment : Ashwini, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pusya, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Uttara Ashadha, Shravana, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati.

Surgical Treatment : Ardra, Ayilyam, Jyeshtha, Moola (Tuesday).

Travel or Beginning a Journey : Ashwini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pusya, Hasta, Anuradha, Mula, Shravana, Dhanishtha and Revati. (Tuesday should be avoided).

"Courteous Reader, Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the Wise and the Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight in Battle, in short, no important affair was undertaken without first consulting an Astrologer." - Benjamin Franklin

Periods without dosha
During Sun rise, between 4 am and 6 am (IST), there is no Tithi-dosha. So, this period called as Usha Kaala is suitable for auspicious events. Even Malefic Tithis like Prathami, Ashtami and Navami are also not taboo.
During Sunset, in twilight hour, there is no lagna-dosha and so it is considered suitable for auspicious activities.
Also note that irrespective of the day (including Saturday and Tuesday), after Sunset, during night time, auspicious ceremonies can be conducted. There is no vaara (day)-dosha, during night time.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are generally considered very auspicious. Sunday and Monday are only medium-auspicious. It is better to avoid solemnizing marriage on Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Activities to be undertaken in your Janma Nakshatra day
Commencement of education, acquisition of landed property, performances of yagnas, Anna-dhaanam (free distribution of food) and assuming power can be undertaken on the day of one's Janma Nakshatra.

Activities to be avoided in your Janma Nakshatra day
Marriage, Seemantham (ceremony conducted during advanved pregnancy) and Graha Pravesham.

Auspicious Natkshatras & Days Combination Chart
The following chart gives the auspicious day and nakshatra combination details. These combinations hold true through out the year. It simply means that on any particular week day, if any of the nakshatras mentioned under the week column is in operation, it is auspicious for any and all undertakings.

For example under the tuesday column the nakshatras mentioned are Aswini, Aslesha, Krittika and Uttara Bhadra. This means that on any of these nakshatras is in operation the time is auspicious to start any type of work.

"Muhurtam Jyothidam can help identify favourable periods for starting and successful operation of various activities or events of life. May the Nitya Devis and Nakshatra Devis bless you with greater health, wealth, prosperity and enlightenment."
-Vijayakumar Alagappan